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im chip wat more can i say im the kind of person who likes waking up in the morning for fear of missing something but at the same time im incredibly unfocused i am considered one of three things to everyone i know either oddball annoying or we are cool friends i love everytype of music i listen to because i cant stay too constant wit the same thing over and over i hate being pinpointed and defined to a certain extent where people almost expect to know you better than you know yourself i play nearly ever type of sport i can just b/c its fun. if i an just standing around not talking or doing anything for too long i have to start moving otherwise i will slowly slip into a dreamlike state or go insane i say random things that few people understand like choo fucked it up a bingo an pop tarts i love reading those words that are inside the snicker bar package just so i can use them later and everyone have that odd awkward moment wich appears to be a continous moment in my life that never ends and chances are if i talk to you im a friend you can count on. i babble excessivly so if im not talking and suddenly i start and you wont me to stop you can tell me to stop talking i write alote of poems and stories though i dont really talk much about it. i hate going to sleep but at the same time i love being there its indescribable to me. i am gullibe to certain point where it scares myself and it always seems im only there for half of every conversation i get in. well that pretty much me
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