Valsa George Poem Poems

A Teary Eyed Widow- A Sequel To My Poem Within The Cage

I see the Earth and its happy brood
And everything around in a sunny mood
But in my cage sits a single bird
So lonely without a companion of her own breed

My Indebtedness To Poem Hunter

Poem Hunter to me is just like a joint family
How by a common bond, here we are strung together
Though sailing in different currents, anchored in remote ports
Distance among us has never been a hitch or a tether

Holidays- (An Acrostic Poem)

H alting from all weary work
O n a trip we went to avert nervous wreck
L ively days with many a jocund friend
I n a jovial mood with no deadlines to tend

Limerick Poem.75. On Love

A boy n' girl in love saw face to face
Each longed to be in sweet embrace
In a week, they were wed
But now as good as dead,

A Poem

As I wondered what I should write
And floundered in my own confusion
I thought – why not write about poems
That set me thinking what poems are

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