Bernard F. Asuncion Running Poems

Time Is Like A Running River

Time is like a running river,
You can't touch the same water twice;
Because the flow that has just passed
Won't come again before your eyes.

Running Out Of Time

R-unning out of time,
O-ne day quickly passes by;
W-ait not for the morrow,
E-agerly do it now or say goodbye.

Just Like A Running River

J-ust like a running river,
U-nending blessings flow;
D-ay third of May won't make
Y-our life prone to sorrow.

Running Water In The River

R-unning water in the river
I-s a blessing from above;
T-he graces from the sky
A-re truly the Father's love.

Like A Running River

God's graces flow like a running river,
Coming straight to those who wait for good things;
The quantity of the Lord God's blessings
Is undoubtedly countless in number.

Keep On Running The Race

K-eep on running the race,
A-t the perfect level of energy;
Y-ou're almost at the finish line,
E-arly twenty-first of January.

River Is Not Running Dry

R-iver is not running dry,
I-t instead overflows;
N-ice graces from God
A-re falling from heaven's windows.

Where Running Water Abounds

C-an you feel the fresh morn
A-fter the cold night chill?
T-wenty-eighth dawn of the first month,
H-appy birthday brings a thrill.

Just Like A Running Water

J-ust like a running water,
A-lmighty's blessings overflow;
N-ice things from above keep you
A-way from the pain and sorrow.

Time Is Running Out

M-oment is passing by,
A-s it quickly fades away;
E-very minute is precious, on the second of May.

As Time Is Running Out

V- ery well we all know,
I-t's the day quickly passing by;
S-o take every opportunity
I-n soaring toward the sky.

Sound Of The Running River

D-elightful sound of the river
E-liminates the torment;
N-ever ignore the peaceful place,
Z-one of mind's content.

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