Ramesh T A Fate Poems

Natural Personality Decides One's Fate!

Natural personality makes one a charismatic person respected by all;
Knowledge and talent makes such a person famous in the world sure;
What one has naturally only makes one what all wish to see like ever;
Efforts upon natural one make one famous and great in art or any field!

A Fate Of Friendship Forum!

A few intellectual individuals formed a friendship forum;
Its intention was to follow a plan for intellectual development.
If the plan was not feasible it had to be disbanded instantly;
If it worked out well the intellectuals would have a friendship!

A Fun Or Fate Poetry Writing?

Poetry writing has become a matter of fun!
With play of words many indulge in this fun;
Fun without fact will make poetry quite inept.
Fun or fate, some write poetry with true fact!

Miracle Or Fate Or Luck!

Miracle or Fate or Luck!

If happenings are beyond human understanding, it is act of fate;
Bad happenings at unexpected time, it is the work of fate sure;

Fate Of Poets

Great poets were not honoured when they were alive;
But after death they live immortal in the hearts of many!
Shelley, Keats, Voltaire and Bharati are some to quote;
They fought for freedom of the nation till the end of life!

Overcome Fate By Wisdom Rather Than By Knowledge!

Like beautifully bright flowers and frolicsome squirrels humans wish to live;
Like Nature for them, world is for humans to live doing what they wish ever;
But fate has made man indulge in inventing machines to let out smoke to pollute
Not only air, but also water and whole environment not knowing it's against Nature!

A Fate Of Top Poems!

Past poets were remarkable by their poems only;
But present poets are made remarkable by others!

Poetry of the past are no doubt top poems ever;

Fate Has Destined Me To Be A Poet Ever!

Remunerative job I thought to be best for me was medical profession;
Despite my interest so, fate drove me to study Physics at that time of life;
But my interest soon in Physics opened my heart for Nature to dwell deep;
Also, Romantic Poets' love in the life of Nature absorbed me in totality!

Win Over Fate To Achieve Our Goals In Life!

Win Over Fate to Achieve Our Goals in Life!

Between hell and heaven, day and night
Life of world goes on according to fate;

Deeds Decide One's Fate!

Deeds Decide One's Fate!

Our deeds decide the consequence good or bad then and there;
Each one's deed will shock each even like electric current if it is bad;

Fate Of Man!

Fate of Man!

Man says ' I and the master of my fate! '
But Fate controls the affairs of men ever;

God's Route Laid By Fate For All To Follow!

When tragedies take place reducing the numbers of family, sans hope for cheers all remain;
At that time unexpected thing coming up to lift some up is the proof of miracle happening;
Poetry is one such a thing that finally gives hope, confidence and cheerful mood to engage with;
Poetry is my final life work in the world I am engaged with to make my days worthy one!

Consistent Achievements A Miracle Due To Fate Or God!

We are born to achieve as motto inspires with vigour to go ahead in our venture;
Achievements happen by luck, but consistent ones happens by miracle only;
To happen so, fixing ambition in life is very important possible by vision on knowledge;
Knowledge of history, literature and all helps much to do that in the world life sure!

A Fate Of Being Great!

Selflessness makes one a great person
Among selfish persons around the world.
Without coordinating for anything they all
Seek cooperation from such a great man

A Faith Against Fate!

Modernity And Civilization Can't Change Fate Of Human Life!

World life is a temporary shelter for soul in human body to know pain and pleasure
In the bitter sweet nature of human life to realize the purpose of soul to return
To the permanent home of peace mingling one with Universal Spiritual Energy
As the best resort undergoing all sufferings to have confidence in liberation!

Saving world from pollution of air, water and environment
And protection of natural resources from exploitation by all
Corporations for fuel, raw materials and food sans recycling
Are the best legacy we can leave behind for the posterity!

The Unkindest Kind Of Cut Of Fate!

Many justify their acts to overshadow their drawbacks
To maintain their professional stand as if all is well!
Also, say that mistakes beyond one's control take place
Despite they take careful imprecation in the works ever!

Fate Decides All!

When loved ones pass away one after the other,
Life becomes meaningless in the human world;
Occupying with the favourite work only, one can
Pull on the days to make one's life meaningful!

Fate Of Romance In The Modern World!

Romantic mood kindles love between two youngsters sure;
Love is natural feeling that brings about union of lovers;
But secret video taking for politics and asking ransom has
Unabatedly increased rape and murder making crimes common!

Fate Of Lovers!

Love starving couple, after separation for longtime,
When meeting together, indulge in passionate kiss long!
All days spent in loneliness out of ego goes to pieces
And both kiss and enjoy as if they are newly wedded ones!

Good Fate And Bad Luck Are Not Eternal!

What we say as fortune is actually good fate in life;
What we say as fate generally denotes bad luck ever;
Even if one is not equipped with knowledge, wealth and
Power, one wins in all due to one's friendship and love!

Fate And Fortune Play In One's Life!

Friendship is for sharing of ideas, matters, joys and sorrows;
Love is for giving all to the loved ones sans expecting anything;
Friendship and love are great boon more than wealth and power
Making one feel nothing, when all goes away in one's life ever!

Fate Of Great Masterpieces!

All jealous hearted persons never allow genuine work shine;
Best works of art are driven to be lost in the dark ever;
Cunning fellows never tolerate good and extraordinary ones;
Display of genuine works are immediately blocked by them!

Against All Odds And Fate!

Against All Odds and Fate!

All things when go on uncontrolled, what can be done under hot sun?
This is the position today, when current has failed and internet is not working;

None Can Escape Fate!

No one can escape from the ever watchful eye of Fate in the world!
By knowledge, smartness and God's grace one may change the course
Or minimize the vigour of Fate, but none can escape from its target;
For, fate is clamped on everyone based on each one's acts in last births!

A Fortune Or Fate?

Many kinds of disturbances are affecting the programmes of many;
Disturbances spoil all serious or sincere efforts towards progress;
Due to disturbances, many change their life activities for safety and
Many have changed to safer places to do their favourite works....!

A Love Denied Due To Fate!

Love Denied Due To Fate!

Real love is beautiful, of all emotions, in world life!
I am a chivalrous warrior fighting for justice in wars;

The Fate Of Ideas!

New ideas crop up in the mind now and then
Putting one in Surprise kindling the desire
To write down somewhere to share with others;
But obligation occupy one's time making it

Fate Of Cinema!

Taste for cinema has gone away!
Everyone now sees TV only ever;
Also all see cinemas by DVD itself!

Is It The Workd Of Fate?

Earning a place in the good books of others
Indeed is a great deed one can do better as
The time passes on in working with care and
Concentration on a venture quite challenging!

Fate Or What?

When nothing seems to click
Though hard work is done
One can only wait and watch!

Fate Of The Great!

Fate of the Great!

Identities of really great are kept in the dark;
Their great ideas never see the light of day

The Fate Of Ancient Sourashtra Language!

Greek, Latin, Sanskrit and Tamil are
Top, independent world languages..!
Prakrit is known as common man's
Language or formative language....;

A Fate Of Free Flow Of Best Ideas!

A Fate of Free Flow of Best Ideas!

Half baked bread is difficult to digest ever;
So also, little learning is dangerous in life!

The Decree Of Fate!

Everyone wants things to be done immediately;
But there is a time for everything to be done.....!
First, how a thing has to be done has to be planned;
But sans proper persons nothing can be done well!

A Fate Work!

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