Francis Duggan Peace Poems

Love With Peace And Justice

It's a troubled World we live in the World of today
But love with peace and justice only decades away
In fifty years or less from now there won't be mistrust and hate
The war lords and the men of war will have passed their use by date.

The Peace Women Drum On Their Peace Drums

The Peace Women drum on their peace drums in hope that the war men may hear
The war men who wage war on others the influential bullies who live far from here
The bullies who wage their so called war on terror who themselves are responsible for brutal acts of shame
Yet the bombing and murdering continues despite the blame and counter blame.

She Found Her Peace Beside The Sea

I did not know her personally though of her i've been told
And she's found her peace beside the sea safe from the rain and cold
She got her wish her final wish that she should have her rest
South in Kilcunda by the waves in place where she loved best

Rest In Peace Jerry Hickey

Rest in peace Jerry Hickey your memory living still
In Duhallow and Millstreet Town by Clara's bracken hill
A hero to the handicapped your memory is 'FLAME'
And in Millstreet you are still revered as an immortal name.

Peace Little Birds

They mostly like to hide from watcher eye
But today around the thicket verge they fly
And utter forth their squeaky warning cry
The white browed scrub wrens have their young nearby.

Women Drumming For Peace

The sound of their drumming echoes in the night
In the quiet of the park in the Autumn moonlight
Some does drum for war as an anger release
But these are the women who does drum for peace

Peace In Your Mind

For a more peaceful World for you to live in
With your own self you have got to begin
If you do not have peace in your own mind
To others you cannot be compassionate and kind

The Need For World Peace Is Paramount

The need for World peace is paramount and the need for World
peace we should embrace
And when you make yourself a better person you make the World a better place
And if every soldier refused to fight in war we would not have the war dead

The Peace Activists Grave

The one who loved peace she was buried today
And peace it surrounds her now where she does lay
But a bugler for her the last post did not play
No heroes for peace or it would seem that way.

One Person Cannot Bring Peace

One person cannot bring peace to our World but when millions of good people unite
And march for peace in every village, town and city the war inclined may see some light
Beyond the darkness that surrounds them and through the windows of their soul
The light of change may even penetrate we can change others by thought control.

The Flower Of Peace Will Bloom Again

They tell us who our enemies are and those who we ought to fear
But any real plan for World peace from them we never hear
And how much more of the Planet Earth are they going to destroy
And how many more have to suffer and how many more have to die?

The White Flower Of Peace Is Not Blooming Today

News of more maimed and dying in bombings and terrorism from here far away
The white flower of peace is not blooming today
In war and terrorism it is always the innocent for the sins of others does pay
And this is a very sad thing for to say

He Now Is At Peace

The man who was often clock watching in life was buried yesterday
But time will not worry him where he now lay
Too busy worrying about making money for the financial security of self and family and wife
The doorway to happiness was closed in his life

May They Rest In Peace

May they rest in peace of the dead we do say
But peace it is with them where-ever they lay
They are past all sorrows and past every care
And I feel that prayers for the dead is a waste of prayer.

Love And Peace

Oh the wind that's soughing tonight
Through the pine trees seem to say
The sinful yet may see God's light
Love and peace may come some day.

A Symbol For Peace, Freedom And Justice

To want freedom and justice for his people was Mandela's only crime
And his freedom taken from him and in jail he spent his prime
But the first democratically elected President of South Africa not one to hold a grudge
His former oppressors he's forgiven he does not condemn or judge.

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