Francis Duggan Sun Poems

The Sun Shining Bright

The sun shining bright in the blue Summer sky
And above the brown paddocks chirping as they fly
Dark swallows are chasing flying insects and bees
On a beautiful day of around 20 degrees.

The Sun It Is Shining On A Beautiful Day

The sun it is shining on a beautiful day
And the weather forecast has more of the same on the way
The magpies are singing on the sunlit trees
Their flute like notes carrying in the freshening breeze

The Sun Shines Brightly On The Hills Of Emerald

The sun shines brightly on the hills of Emerald
And Emerald as it's name suggests look green
And were I a painter I'd commit to canvas
Some of the beauty of this splendid scene.

The Sun Is Out And Shining

The sun is out and shining and there's warmth in the breeze
And the weather rather pleasant around 21 degrees
And pink blossoms on the fruit trees and the wild birds chirp and sing
on this the first day of September and of the calendar Spring.

With The Sun On Their Dark Wings

With the sun on their dark wings in the blue Summer sky
In pursuit of flying insects the welcome swallows fly
Above the brown paddocks a familiar sight
Of the southern Land often in full flight

The Beautiful Place Just As The Sun Rise

The beautiful place just as the sun rise
Above the eastern horizon i can visualize
When Nature's feathered minstrels chirp, whistle and sing
The great gift of memory is such a beautiful thing

The Sun Shining

The sun shining bright in a sky blue and gray
On what is quite near to a perfect day
The warm air full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees
And white butterflies dancing in the freshening breeze

The Sun Out And Shining Though The Sky

The sun out and shining though the sky of gray rain clouds not clear
And in the still morning air the bleating of sheep i hear
On the Warrnambool Penshurst road near old Koroit Town
Cars and trucks on the roadway buzzing up and down

The Sun It Is Hidden

The sun it is hidden in clouds of dark gray
And the sky overcast seems like rain is on the way
It is not what one would call a nice Summer's day
Though the magpie does sing in the park by the bay

The Sun Intermittently Shines

The sun intermittently shines through clouds of blue and gray
On this the first of September today is Wattle Day
And on the first of the Australian Calendar Spring
The nesting birds in the town parkland sing.

The Sun Out And Shining

The sun out and shining it is such a nice day
The birds chirp and sing in the park by the bay
The distinctive flute of the magpie melodious and clear
And the roar of the surf waves in the distance i hear

The Sun Out

The sun out and shining though the sky of gray rain clouds not clear
And in the still morning air the bleating of sheep i hear
On the Warrnambool Penshurst road near old Koroit Town
Cars and trucks on the roadway buzzing up and down

The Sun In The Gray Clouds

The sun in the gray clouds is hidden away
And the dark welcome swallows are flying low today
It has rained heavily this morning and more rain seems near
The Southern March as weather goes a changeable time of year

The Sun Won't Shine Today

No wind soughing in the bare trees the sky is overcast and gray
It has been raining for many hours the sun won't shine today
Not untypical of the time of year it would seem fair to say
Reminds me of where i used to live from here long miles away

The Sun Shining Bright On This Beautiful Day

In the beautiful blue sky just a few clouds of gray
And the sun shining bright on this beautiful day
The songs of the wild birds so pleasant to hear
To this beautiful place Utopia must be near

The Sun In The Gray Clouds Is Hidden

The sun in the gray clouds is hidden on this cool though pleasant March day
And the silver bill magpie is piping his song to his identity a give away
The swallows fly low o'er the parkland where they are flying insects abound
It is said that in cool changeable weather their food source flies close to the ground

As The Sun Goes Down Red

Though most of her secrets from us she keeps hidden away
From Nature we learn something new every day
And the more we learn of her the more we realize
That there is far more to her than we can see with our eyes

He Wore Dark Sun Glasses

The sun it was not shining and dark gray were the skies
Yet he wore dark sun glasses for to conceal his eyes
From the gaze of other people what was he trying to hide
Since to the mirror of his soul daylight he had denied.

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