cheung shun sang Poems

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China- section- eight as America!
China section eight is army home.

All committed are ill at houses to whom.

........................A Sexual Cauchy3

Sexual cauchy3….
Dills in docks are dines and grooved.

Flowers beds are dirty roads.

.....................................-A Enter Brains-Cauchy3

Enter brains…
Evil powers enter brains in bloods with no barriers.
Cocktail party selects the single right.
Barrier with bloods in brains have a norm.

............A-1-1 Army Sexes And Agents By Cauchy3 With Nuns

Army sexes and agents..
Nuns will speak the logos of earths.
Hussy eats the china cookie.
Above is silver moons plot-cauchy3.

.......1 Booze Up Bull-Poem

For laws we are good to take by efforts.
With good mercies they are mean to help.

2-A Lemon Word-Poem-Cauchy3

2-a lemon word (poem)

Hospitals are bad hosts of hospitality.

2 Be God -Peom

2-be God-poem

Bring in the fears of what to exist

...A Sound With Sexes

Sound with sex-poem.

Your loves are touch of good piano.
Yamaha is showers of mother sybarite.

China Bibles-Cauchy3

China bibles..
Mother lands are passive go to china leaders active.
Hustle hunting china passive come to witches but hunting.
Hustling none but china active yeasts as over all is groups.

Bamboo Tight

Bamboo tight…
Power glories are power home.
Ballsy bases are bamboo tight.
Stocks in dens and view on scopes!

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