Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Scenes From My Childhood Days

(in answer to André Letoit)

Too innocent I was as a child
to play with a girl's secret place,

A Boy Fishing

At the dam I am still waiting alone
when all of the other fishermen are gone
the float moves do go under
my body feels cold like stone

Fairy Love (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Annelize, after Ingrid Jonker)

The fairy-princess whose little lamp does shine
did last night give her heart to me,

The Ballade Of The Umzinyati

(after A. G. Visser)

At Dingaan's big kraal Ngungunhlovu there are many fires that burn
where all regiments of his impi does gather from all across Zululand,

The Apocryphal Ballade Of The Son Of Nazareth

(after A. G. Visser)

Centuries back the Son did play in Nazareth,
His days were full of duties and fun

The Offering Of Isaac (Sonnet Sequence)

(after A. G. Visser)

I The night in Beersheba (Free verse sonnet)

Where You Do Wait Like A Father On Your Children

(after A. G. Visser)

You hang the universe in the nought,
know about every shooting star,

The Hope That You Will Be Coming Shortly

The hope that You will be coming shortly
constantly turns around and around in my thoughts,
that You do call everyone to an own mission
and in our lives do astound us with it.

I Want To Thank God

(for Annelize)

I want to thank God for you,
do want to live days that we will remember forever,

Free (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after A. G. Visser)

From Europe You brought our ancestors to this country
and did settle us here and did lead us further north to the equator

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