John Knight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
1133 Heaven On Earth

Where is Heaven is there such a place?
A place where God is real and Angels dwell
Can we find Heaven - while we're here on earth
Or does your life on Earth resemble Hell?

*004 Ode To Inventions

ASPIRIN (1899) Felix Hoffman a pill is making -
To cure you if your head is aching
BRA (1913) Mary Jacob's made the perfect gift -
To give the ladies an up-lift.

*625 A Wedding Blessing

I wrote this blessing to read at my Granddaughter Rachel's Wedding. I read it just as we sat down for the Wedding Breakfast.

We stand before God to bless David and Rachel on their Wedding Day
May God - by whose will creation had its being

Too Late - Too Late - Too Too Late

Too late to - Say goodbye
Too late to - Hear your sigh
Too late to - Sooth your pain
Too late to - Come again

Mirror Mirror - Mirror Me!

Mirror Mirror on the Wall
What stories you could tell,
Of faces that have gazed in you
Some so happy - others blue

*550 The Art Of Loving

To be much loved is something we all yearn
So many of us filled with the intent
The art of loving is not hard to learn.

*003 Ode To Sellotape

please help me to fix my leaking cape
and help me stop the air escape
from my air-bed Oh please please Sellotape.

1007 Father Christmas - Christmas Father

When I was very young
I really believed in Father Christmas
The whole package - Reindeers - Santa Claus
The Christmas Elves - Gobal distribtion etc.

1122 Praise The Lord!

Worthy Oh Lamb of God - for praise
The Father's Only Son
To you our hymns of praise we raise
For Heaven's Beloved One.

1108 Liverpool - Loop & Revil!

This a LOOP POEM. This structure demands that the LAST WORD
of a line - is used again as the FIRST WORD of the next line - Simple.
I am indebted to the Lady of OZ - Karin Anderson for introducing me to this very elegant poetical structure. If you try it let me know!

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