Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What Can I Do To Prove You Love Me?

I did not ask to love you.
In fact...
I had no idea I was going to,
Until your presence latched upon my heart.

They Are So Right!

...and on the other hand,
You can not treat people with respect
Who are not accustomed to getting it.
These folks are the first to think,

You Want Me To Believe I Love You

You want me to believe I love you,
Like I do your fish shish kebabs?
Skewered perfectly between Vadalia onions...
Green pepper and fresh garden tomatos.

Silent Violence

Why do you sit in your silent violence?
Containing your anger,
And acceptance of grief?
Do you think anyone cares,

It's Better Not To Butter Bitterness

It's better not to butter bitterness.
Discuss it...
Then let it go.

Without Regret They Would Rather Fret

Even with their BA's, MA's
And Phd's...
They can not return jobs lost,
And outsourced overseas.

I'Ve Learned To Be Opinionated

I can not endure
Someone else's insecurities.
My own,

Having Not A Thought To Express

Had someone ever asked you a question?
And you answered with an honest response?
To get into a debate,
Over how your answer was delivered?

Its Clarity Remains Unchanged

It is all there,
And very clear.
Those pieces fit.
Although you have chosen them,

Haunted By Your Own Remarks

Haunted by your own remarks?
That attacked someone without facts,
To impart?
And when the truth surfaces...

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