Lillie Ellis Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Girl In The Mirror

She's the girl in the mirror
The girl in the glass
She is just trying to last
She's the girl in the mirror

Take My Hand

Take my hand and I'll show you the way
Take my hand and I won't give you away
Just take my hand.
Promise that you'll love me for as long as

Just Run


I walk to my destiny
I walk to my life

Just A Heartache

It's just a heartache
Just a heart break
My world is ending
My life is blending

Lay Us Down

Lay me down
Just set me on the ground
Please give me some air
And let me feel around

The Children In Black

The children in black
Where did their childhoods go
Trailing water behind
How did they become this cynical

Oh No It's Me Again

Oh no it's me again
I don't want to see my face again
I don't want to see my life again
Oh no it's me again

Can'T You See It?

You ask me where the love is
But you don't realize it's everywhere
You ask me where our dreams are
But you don't realize it's right in front of us

The Man In Her Eyes

The man in her eyes
isn't an ordinary man
He Haunts her
Now I can barely see her eyes

Life Is More Than In Seems

Maybe life is more than it seems
While you think about the big things
It's really the little things that are important
There's a rush of emotion

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