Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Fighting Against The Odds

Letter by letter, always starting from the left
and word by word, I'm only on page 2 after 4
days of hard work, yet my resolve to carry on
does not waver, determination to keep going

Moon Boot Love

Watching TV like a zombie, can't make
sense of this event, this accident with
badly torn left-foot ligaments, grade 3
the radiologist said; now I'm the proud

Camouflage Me

Enthralled by programmes on aquatic life -
sun fish swim upside down when they wish,
camouflaged rock-fish precision-jump thus
devour prey at lightning speed; you will not

Love Being In The Office [revised]

I love being in the office with the sweet-smelling
blooms I picked during my lunch-time walk, love
to sit at my computer console as if it’s the cockpit
controls of a rocket which visits far-off places,

Complaisance, Apologise

Giant spiders – tarantulas – in Brazil, Great Whale Sharks
in False Bay, no water in Djibouti’s lunar landscape, I am
watching Nat Geo Wild in a Zen-trance, kept awake by
the ever-present belly-ache


A beauty that mesmerises, a description of a trip
a stream cascading melodiously with a wonderful
beat, so beautiful, it hurts - why does true beauty
inflict a feeling of hurt - at least for me?

New Charm

Long ago, almost forgotten in the winds of time
a wonderful story fired my mind: a kind, lovable
old soul preached how legends and myths told
of strange portents

Chagrined (Revised)

Reached new depths of spectacular failure today
could not stay awake for a riveting discussion on
the French elections - and couldn't concentrate
on a stimulating news reel about endemic crime

You Are So Loved

Cherish your dreams and ideals
‘cause their fragrance keep you
sweet - while daring love smiles
lets your minds touch exploding

Friendship Never Ends

I get feedback on my translation: You
confused oral, verbal and vocal (I still
don’t know the difference, but confess
it not) , you added full-stops where we

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