Nova saleh Poems

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That was the last happy memory, you ripped my heart out of my chest.

My love I would take a shot for you, I would walk to the end of the earth until I find the answer.

Never Thought

Never thought it'd last like this, never thought it'd ever end like this never thought I'd pretend never thought this would ever end never thought I would feel this way.


Moments like this I get excited when I smell my mothers cooking wafting away from

the kitchen into my nostrils it is a familiar smell that brings me back to my childhood


Complexion is the way to reveal the beauty and necessity we only need to see and

be aware of, conversely turning into greater living human beings so we can better

Be True To Yourself.

Don't be somebody else be yourself even though society pressures you and you feel you have to be different or act in an certain way and in some cases you've been someone else for so long that it becomes automatic, not even aware, your old self becomes a stranger and you wonder why your so depressed…?

Don't feel the need to comment or the need to call and text, Don't feel the need to laugh at something that's not funny to you or talk in a certain style with vocab you don't even use

Live In Bliss

Wise words can convince a human being to confess the simple truths of there

updated life why make it so secret why am I always the last to know its stupid its all

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