03 Love Poems Poem by Saiom Shriver

03 Love Poems

Unbidden come the bloombibbing bees.
My love for you.. a yearling became... many eons ago
She is my beloved sister and of all who come her way the assister.
Love... not force.... rides the free horse
Love surrounds hate as the sea laves icebergs.
Hate is frozen Love. God is Love.
From 2 dynasties of love they merge into a destiny of love
I kneel before the heart of my Beloved..within the shrine of his soul..
He no longer daisy petals shreds to ask if her love for him has been shed
We came to a crossroads and what did we see? All directions pointing..
to his heart's infinity
The peony sphere has no perfume.. until she opens the petals
of her heart
She was baptized in water by her brother's rare tears..
baptized in fire by her mother's unshed tears
Love was the priest who married them.
Phone wires pinker glow as love reconnecting flows
I want to go to God on the road of you.
Love is a purifier more sacred than pure fire.
For love the model forsook the runway
From that shallow world she did run away.
Her love awaited at the airport Monday
.. and that eve they taxi'd down the runway.
Knowing that froggie fear was engendered by horse hooves,
Pegasus grew wings and then he rose framed by a sky
of orange pink and rose.
Within small circles do spiders build webs while larger
ones foil them, so the uncircumscribed heart foils lurking
The same God shines through the prisms of all eyes. Because
I prefer some color patterns more than others, I have
not yet achieved equal sightedness toward all God's beings
He aspired to be a Venutian rather than a martyr.. to follow
the path of venus' love rather than sometimes angry mars.
Waters to the most humble point descending..
but at the lowlying sea waters are ascending lifted by the lovelight of the sun.
More precious because he'd waited so long to hear..
the most beautiful lyrics... 'I love you' in his ears.
The sun at their backs. Dusk's long shadow makes their
2 silhouettes one.
They suddenly knew they wanted to avoid pain and much trouble
by going through life as a doublebubble
Suddenly out of the green, pops a trillium.
Suddenly out of the blue, the ship on the horizon
Suddenly out of the purple, love's rising.
Lust says the whole is not as great as the part but
Love flows whole from its temple in the heart.
Compass needles are magnetized to the north
but compassion unencompassed in all directions pours.
In his heart bell hung a tong which struck every time
he caught sight of her or heard her voice.
At dawn the emperor sun breaks forth from the lair of mars
but in the evening he disappears behind cloud curtains
in the chamber of venus.
Love limited, love circumscribed, love lukewarm is by God decried.
A baby who lies untouched in cradle.. a child who sits
untouched in a crib.. will grow up thinking he's unlovable..
feeling he is untouchable.
Two puddles loved each other and became a brook.2 pools
of light loved each other and became a glow.2 hearts loved
each other and became one.
The love of the heart has surrounded the mind's knife of
criticism sheathing it with silence.
Cloud maya makes the sun appear to wink at you. But his love
is constant, not on and off.
Bethesda's waters healed because they never rejected any
sent to them by God.
Your heart is a blazing star.. sending forth infinite rays
in all directions.
His empathic heart is always giving command performances
Until we saw Linda G's sanctuary, we never thought
Noah's Ark... could be as clean as a sunwashed barque

Is that God is Universal Love a license to be
promiscuous, polyamorous, polygamous or polyandrous.?
Arthur could remove from a stone a sword but Bea
can turn a rock liquefy with her aura and words.
Some human beings frighten the birds. They are animaated scarecrows, but there are others who attract them near and far.
They are carecrows.
The Lord of Love laves his lilies in light.. and lets
dandelions and leaves of ivy alone to live
Sleeping Beauty is awake inside each being, but some of us
need the kiss of unconditional love to know we are made of love*

Some criticized him for sharing his journal, , but most
were grateful that he had invited all into his heart
Roses are pink. Violets are violet. Our love for you
is forever inviolate

Those who stop eating
pork or beef or squab
don't ingest adrenalin
Reduced is their squabbling.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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