Acrostic : Georgiana Augusta Keats Poem by John Keats

Acrostic : Georgiana Augusta Keats

Rating: 2.8

Give me your patience, sister, while I frame
Exact in capitals your golden name;
Or sue the fair Apollo and he will
Rouse from his heavy slumber and instill
Great love in me for thee and Poesy.
Imagine not that greatest mastery
And kingdom over all the Realms of verse,
Nears more to heaven in aught, than when we nurse
And surety give to love and Brotherhood.

Anthropophagi in Othello's mood;
Ulysses storm'd and his enchanted belt
Glow with the Muse, but they are never felt
Unbosom'd so and so eternal made,
Such tender incense in their laurel shade
To all the regent sisters of the Nine
As this poor offering to you, sister mine.

Kind sister! aye, this third name says you are;
Enchanted has it been the Lord knows where;
And may it taste to you like good old wine,
Take you to real happiness and give
Sons, daughters and a home like honied hive.

Josey Alfred 10 May 2015

The poet is truly enchanted by her beauty, though he is aware she belongs to some one else.

2 7 Reply
Josey Alfred 10 May 2015

Wonderful! wishes to a beautiful lady by the loving brother, the poet, the last three lines of the poem is really great, In that he wishes all the happiness, a sweet home with sons and daughter and every thing desirable, inspite of the third name she has. True appraisal of beauty, felt by the poet. If the third name were not ther............

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Unnikrishnan E S 23 December 2018

Sure, the last stanza sums it all

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Edgar Stevens 03 August 2015

i love this poem for sure...

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* Sunprincess * 09 March 2014 the last stanza..

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Singapore 04 August 2020

I love it so much ❤ I have a poem too: Helping each other is good Each one of us Lending things is one example People from all walks of life help one another Integrity Never stopping Gracious and kind

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Unnikrishnan E S 23 December 2018

Wonderful tribute to G. Keats from the great poet. Lovely.

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Sienna 04 September 2018

it was great! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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D Priyanka Singh 24 September 2017

And may it taste to you like good old wine, Take you to real happiness and give Sons, daughters and a home like honed hive. Nice poem.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 24 September 2017

Unbosom'd so and so eternal made, Such tender incense in their laurel shade Beautifully penned. Thanks poet.

4 1 Reply
John Keats

John Keats

London, England
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