Alphabetical Mirrored Phantom Quest For Infinity Poem by Jonathan ROBIN

Alphabetical Mirrored Phantom Quest For Infinity

Although beliefs creating dream existence fan great hopes'
infinity, judge! Knelled linchpin only, permanence quivering,
resurrection seems thesis untenable, verity's xylem yarn zapped..

Age blasts choice despite early force,
grief here in jail knots life's momentary nirvana opening,
pleasure quits room so that vanishing willpower xeroxes yesterday's zone.

Anguish, bleeding, cries dimly, evidence fades, ghostly halo iridescent jeopardized, knocked like mirage nuance, opportunity passed, quintessential role's stream terminated, unviable vision, wasted XY zoom.

All below clears,
dust embalms fears,
glad hearts ice.
Just karmic lice,
Mother Nature or
phantom quest's roar?
Soon tale's undone,
venture wide xenon.
Youthful zoon
after brief cycle,
death empties fame,
guilty hells inflame
justice. Knowledge lame.
Mind numb, old
pages quickly rolled,
story's truth untold,
vista wraith Xanadu yokes Zion.

Zion yokes Xanadu wraith vista. Untold truth storied, rolled quickly, pages old, numb mind. Lame knowledge, justice, inflame hell's guilty fame, empties death cycle brief after zoon youthful. Xenon wide venture undone, tale's soon roar, quest's phantom or nature mother lice karmic. Just ice - hearts glad, fears, - embalms. Dust clears below all.

Zoom: XY wasted, vision unviable, terminated stream. Role's quintessential passed opportunity, nuance, mirage like knocked, jeopardized iridescent halo ghostly fades, evidence dimly cries, bleeding anguish..Zone's yesterday xeroxes willpower vanish, that so room quits, pleasure opening nirvana moments, life's knots jail in here, grief force early, despite choice, blasts age.

Zapped yarn xylem, verity's untenable, thesis seems resurrection, quivering permanence, only linchpin knelled. Judge infinity! Hopes great fan existence dream, creating beliefs, although...

Mirrored quintuple abecedarian reflection on Existence - words can be read either from A to Z or from Z to A. insidiously: spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way linchpin: central cohesive source of support and stability quintessential: representing the perfect example of a class or quality

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