Am I Prejudiced? Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Am I Prejudiced?

Rating: 5.0

I am a slave to poetry.

I do not wish to be set free
a willing prisoner happily.

Constrained by strict parameters.
Which form the rules for formal verse,
to discipline I’m not averse.

Though modernists all claim to be
Poets. I find I can’t agree.
Their work has small appeal for me.
I can’t commit to memory

One single piece of free form verse.
In my opinion even worse
they are deliberately perverse.

Delighting in obscurity
contemptuous of clarity.

Yet still they claim it’s poetry.


Colin J... 09 October 2007

I'm with you on that one, Ivor Colin J... Nice poem...

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Thad Wilk 09 October 2007

You Are Sooooooo right IVOR! ! (10) ! !

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Lucianne Fasolo 09 October 2007

Great poem. I loved it, :) 'Though modernists all claim to be Poets.' I just loved the way you broke the sentence in this part. It was awesome. I can say I'm a slave of poetry as well. I like using traditional forms, rhyme schemes and recently I've been using meter, and I'm very happy with how my poems turn out. There's nothing wrong with following the norm. The only problem comes up when you read a poem that doesn't follow it. It'll seem disorganized in comparison to what you're used to read. I don't think you are prejudiced, though :) If you are, I am, too. I also have a serious hard time with modern poetry. It's difficult to understand, and many times you can only guess what the poem's about. But the thing is poetry is what people say it is, unfortunately. So you end up finding many pieces out there that are called poems, but most of the times I can't see how they could ever be, lol. Anyone can write a few careless verses, add some silly rhymes; it's very different from seriously writing a poem, shaping your message as you want it to be understood. Whether it's modern poetry or not, though, in my opinion the only thing that actually defines a poem is the presence of some clear purpose. But again, Dadaist poems had a purpose; does it mean they were actually poems? : P

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Ray Lucero 17 October 2007

Ivor, You write well and are indeed biased. As an elder like yourself, I endeavor to understand all poetry. Case in point, god, there are some fine thinkers that write and speak/sing this powerful medium. If I had to classify myself, it would be 'Modernist'. Peace, Ray

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Bri Edwards 28 July 2018

p.s. well, what IS your answer to the title/question? :) bri

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Bri Edwards 28 July 2018

i got a laugh out of: One single piece of free form verse. In my opinion even worse...Thanks. to MyPoemList! bri ;)

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James B. Earley 22 March 2008

My friend you are not alone in your observation. However, I do believe that the essence of poetry may be held in as little as the single word. My preference, though, is that metrical sound of music! Brilliantly expressed.

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Chris Mendros 14 March 2008

Didn't Frost say something about 'playing tennis with a net'? Prejudice in the name of excellence is no vice. Tolerance in the name of perversity is no virtue. Excellent, classical poetry here.

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Tom J. Mariani 06 November 2007

Is it necessary to rhyme All of the time? Take a look and see At my definition of poetry. Look at my recent post There you'll sse me boast: 'No Mandatory Rhymes Or Reason'

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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