Angel Poem by Matthew Holway


A humming bird slipped accidentally and broke the surface of the deep water. Angel fish approaches and asks: 'but why are you here, golden creature from beyond? '. Bird replies 'but you are the golden one'. They kiss. Nectar in fantasy“. Bird breaks as to not drown, and cuts the barrier. In flight. Like a rainbow. Angel has many prayers, but no answer to the dilemma..

Angel pondered upon his dilemma, and went for discourse with Flying fish. “Well, hold your breath Angel” reflects Flying. “And if you believe enough, you too can break the frontier! ” With that, Flying gave Angel a silver scale. “Take my wings, I’ll take your tears and be silent! ” Angel, missing Humming bird like stopping time itself, took the scale like taking his tears, for he saw Flying’s wisdom. I’m ready says Angel, his wisdom also provoked with that kiss..

Angel looked back at Flying like a distant memory, like a brother, looked up to the sky of his dream, the silver scale opened its pages, red-glitter fantasy cut the surface, dreams cutting existence.. Painted, bird's image in Angel’s eyes, Humming now so near..

Angel found himself in a different world. Held above the security of his depth by his desire, tortured and confused by a humming bird. He holds his breath, as advised by Flying; also because without bird, he can breathe no longer. Where is that golden creature? He asks, suspended, as if time had stopped..

Angel gazed, bewildered by this world of air. The spectacle of his golden red glitter lifting the eyebrows of a now shameful sky. Bird approaches, her feathers more astounding than before. They embrace. They kiss. Tears in tears. “I awaited you” implores bird; Angel suspended in her beauty, holds his breath..

Humming and Angel now lost, hopelessly lost, one in the other’s eyes, share a few words of their pasts. But now we must separate, they tearfully acknowledge. For time must move forward. Rainbow rose in the dull sky, and the deep water glittered, red.

And time moves on! Rainbow’s countless colours bleed into the dark red glittery shimmering water. For the rainbow feels tired of hanging alone in the air, and longs to slide into her paradise. The water is like a mirror, watching her distant colours, and waiting! Time stopping, he just wants her..

In grace, the rainbow slipped under the red glitter, wanting almost to drown. Angel approaches, rejoicing rather like a child: “Humming, again we are one! ” The days sped by. Angel begged his gods to slow time down. “But you are time, and time is now” came their answer. Angel looked up and saw the rainbow in the other world. Humming had gone. He felt his tears gaining ground in his eyes, and a terrible weight, like the silence of darkness itself..

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