Archangel'A Tune Pt 4 (The Complete Remastered Ending) Poem by Autumn VanBrown

Archangel'A Tune Pt 4 (The Complete Remastered Ending)

~ Looking at the now limp body of her one true love, the girl tried to unleash the chains that bounded her heart and soul. Once Anthriel free near the chains, it was then she realized a burning sensation oscillating her skin and screeching into her soul. The chains were bounded by the Angel's Book of Enoch which held the holy Alchemy spells to bind an angel to hell. Feeling as though she were already in hell, what could have been worse? Gargling sounds filled the air of her true love and Anthriel remained powerless and destructive. Anger filled her eyes as they went from ice pure blue, to a deepened emerald green. She bore such an unearthly power, that it shook the ground into an earthquake of destruction. 'Damn them', she cursed upon her lips. 'Damn them all'.

It was then she realized that evil has fulfilled taking over and she was not only alone, but she was ready to die a reckless death. A smirk drew upon her face, teeth bore the feeling of anger and hatred upon her soul. Her wings changed as her power surged. One wing was a deepened charcoal black with red tips that created a sudden darkness, while the other was a pure heavenly white with gold tips. The balance mixture of her true power showed the truth of who she really was. In mundane form, still Anthriel could go into a fearful raze. What was the difference between reality and spirit? Did that even exist?

Hearing the same blood curdling sound, she quickly turned around. A whipping sound creeped upon her face, sending her flying into the ground creating a full 360 turn. Pain struck upon her as acid drew from her lips. Blood smeared her face and the scar of lightning stung from the tip of her jaw to the brink of her lips. As Anthriel stood to her feet, a weary look had sprung. The blow to the jaw was enough to make her gaze slightly, but was not enough to stop her. Staring; staggering, she saw her loves limp body standing in front of her. A smile perched upon his face as two black and red wings, matching one of hers sprung from his back. Feeling bewildered, she asked what was going on. 'This whole time you never knew I was behind this. I figured now it was high time for you to know the truth'. She looked puzzled, 'What truth? You mean the one where you have been plotting to steal my wings? Or the one where you used my ancient book against me? ' Her eyes went from sorrow to pure hatred.

Laughing at her whim, his voice growled slightly as a mere smirk rosé upon his face once more. 'Did you honestly think that you were safe? We have been at war for many centuries. You see Anthriel, you have something that belongs to me.' She looked utterly disgusted at the words he bore. 'Oh and what might that be? Don't you think that you have taken enough? ' He looked through her before simply stating, 'I want my other half of my soul back, which is the only reason you live now.' A long swoop swung across his neck which sent him hurling into the earth so hard that the earths crust cracked underneath his arrival. A large wind followed after as his limp body was risen above the ground. Hanging from his neck, he dangled trying to release his neck to breathe. Taking her fist, a large blow creased the brink of his face as she cracked his jaw. Just before picking him up again, her words drew in a harsh way. 'Look like to me you'll have to try and take it from me. That is if I don't take yours first'.

As he tried to smile, his mundane body tiredly moved to lift a hand as he smiled slightly looking into her face. 'Looks to me like you are finally ready then'. The girls face looked puzzled as his words came out. As she opened her mouth to speak, the demons lips parted as he slowly disappeared from her grasp turning into dust to match the earth. Before fully becoming the earths crust, his words departed into the drum of her ear. 'In time we will meet again'. Anthriel fell to her knees as the souls of those upon the earth lifted into the sky. The evil around her faded as the sun cleared into a pulchritudinous ray of light. Her wings faded as she held her hands up to her face feeling the lightning scar around it. Realizing her test, Anthriel then knew that everything, even her love was an illusion. Straightening her back to the Victorian arena, she looked over her shoulder to grasp the memories of that year. Mournfully, she faded into the light, never looking back.~

🌹 A couple of years has passed since the battle. The girl sat neatly in her chair with a cigarette hanging from her mouth. Her hair was short and neat and her eyes restored to the deep brown they always were. After it was all over, the girl locked away her abilities to match those of a mundane. She figured that it was high time to live a normal life and so she began. The girl had left her old life to start a new one. Her new life was well structured, yet challenging. Sometimes she felt like she did not belong, other times, she knew that belonging was the only thing she had left. Taking another drag from the cigarette, she blow the smoke into the air looking up towards the sky. It was then she saw a reflection of herself, a reflection of how she wish she could be; normal to the world and normal to herself. Of course we all know that was not the fate she has in stored. I guess only time will tell. Time will always tell.🌹

*Originally written in 2011. Finished in 2014. All four parts are available here on Thank you for your time and support of reading this passage. I hope you enjoyed it! *

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