As There Was No Other Option... Poem by M D Dinesh Nair

As There Was No Other Option...

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In the beginning I was`nt there...
Like God who was`nt there for good reasons....

But I too emerged from nothingness
And as I wanted to act soon I got into it.
It had already been very late I knew.

I travelled to the the Mercury and the Venus
Where I could hear no human or animal sobbing..
I next went to the Mars and the Saturn too
Where too none cried or sobbed.

My space shuttle then took me to the Jupiter and the Uranus
Where I heard the silence of the universe,
So was the case with the Neptune too.
The Pluto cried for a visit, but I said, ' You are a cool planet'.

Many other Solar systems I saw
None had woes, a sob nor a cruel life...

Back at the earth I once more heard
Humans crying and sobbing as ever before-
The have nots and the miserables were they as ever before.
And I ordered the BLAST of the green planet!

The planet Earth was thus no more there-
And God 'the almighty' said, 'Well done'.
But added, 'Speak up, dear unknown friend'.
I began my story of emergence and relevance.


...........When I blasted the earth with all life on it
There began a phase of silence in the solar system.
God ' the almighty ' further said, ' What next? '
I stared at him and asked, ' What do you mean? '
And a greater silence surrounded us next.

He said, 'Brother, your act leaves me null and void,
Along with this end you know, my relevance has been lost'.
I retorted, 'Your relevance was never my concern
And I have just righted a wrong done by causes unknown'.
God 'the almighty ' fumed within I knew, but He kept mum.

I said, 'Listen, the origin of life was`nt an error,
As a choice was`nt there within the first organism
And life had no pretentions of the kind.
Then, you were`nt there to create a relevance'.
You were not there as none thought and spoke of you'.

I said, 'Listen, then emerged the man the supreme
And he invited you into his lobby to wrong many a right.
Religions and their scriptures had you fattened....
Men and women and the old and the young
Sang hymns and your relevance got a glitter'.

Life on the planet was a mixture of pleasure and pain
And there blew the winds of disaster of might and wealth.
Crumbling the castles of ' civilization and humanity'.
Emerged many animals that crushed the hapless,
Still there were you, man said, everywhere signifying no relevance'.

I said, 'Listen, the pathos and the plight of the flora and the fauna
Spread over millenia necessitated my emergence.
From nothingness have I emerged thanks to you,
With blind eyes you saw your ghost pouncing somewhere'.
God 'the almighty' was disintegrating, the image was silent.

He thought of talking about the eternity promised
But I silenced him saying
And he was now silence FROZEN!

The planets minus the earth still revolved round the Sun
And there was an end to the dual notions of
The Great creation and The big bang.
The Milky way and the galaxies lingered on..
God 'the almighty' withered into the nothingness.

As there were`nt minds to think, nor mouths to speak next
The final philosophy of silence began and
I was`nt there anymore for the work had been done.

As I woke up from the dream
I saw the miserable planet around me alive
And as there is no other option left
I pen down this poem!

As usual, I am poking your God here..
Kavya . 02 April 2015

lol very nice description of our Planet Earth and how distinct the solar system is........wish we can travel thru all the planets as u did!

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Hazel Durham 02 April 2015

An interesting and entertaining write as you pose so many questions that can't be answered, but there is truth to be found in all the lies!

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Amitava Sur 11 April 2015

WOW'... Dinesh, may be a dream, may be a penning, but utter reluctance with all what happens here is very true. And that is why the in mind speaks like that as you elaborated. MMMMMMMMMMM..... I'm to say If out of 100, only 1 or 2 enjoy this earth and rest all suffer, the it is better to face the blast and better be extinct . Thanks for sharing.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 07 April 2015

And as there is no other option left.. nice lines...10 i have not made any shift as i have to lift my own weight on two feet

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Geetha Jayakumar 06 April 2015

A Beautiful dream of visiting all the planets is fulfilled. Except the Earth you found all the other planets were cool and pleasant. Other planets were not blessed with living beings like our Earth. Your poem just made me think, is it the God to be blamed for all this happenings. I just wonder if Earth would have been like other planets then we wont be here singing any songs.. Really enjoyed reading the poem. A fantastic write.

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Chandra Thiagarajan 05 April 2015

A nice dream travelling to other planets and not finding any sort of misery there. Coming down to EARTH, your annhilation of the world is really poking at God.Any way as Valsa madam has said you do have his blessings. A good read. ENJOYED.

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Valsa George 03 April 2015

You have pulverized Him...! ! Still I feel you are held beloved by Him! You have umpteen blessings from Him including a beautiful family with a lovely daughter! Still you enjoy poking Him and still He loves you... Dinesh!

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Dinesan Madathil 03 April 2015

Valsa madam, when you refer to a God whom you treat like a man next everybody`s door, I feel armless and I surrender to your army comprising many mummified conventions personal and institutional. But I fail to see that neighbour as my vision is of 6/6 alone..... Anyway, thank you for the compliment on my family and daughter whether it has got any connection with the unique mischief of God`s own kind.

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