Be The World, The Life That You Want To Die To, To Be Born Into, Poem by Tony Kavuoti

Be The World, The Life That You Want To Die To, To Be Born Into,

We are world shakers, shakers, life shakers choose bravely, deeply, what is real to your depths, what you believe in, stand for the truth, the longings, the life that you know is real behind the curtain of dying masks. Rid your self from their ignorance, the arrogance, the evil, the buffoonery, the blindness, the self-worshipping from those of your past. Be free, Be real, be vital, be alive, real in life, in your soul. Only selfish people try to make you feel guilty, selfish. Be the world, the life that you want to die to, to be born into, live in. be it become it, some people I never want to share any part of my life with again. I move past this pain of fools playing god. Look forwards to new people, as well as the self I will be without being contaminated by their evil masked as, family, as friends, as lovers, as education, as caring, as importan, t as duty, as salvation, as race, as good, as love.

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