Bottom Of A Lake Poem by Nicholas Abaddon

Bottom Of A Lake

She stares up at me from under the surface
Her glassy stare brings my soul to the precipice
Her hair floats around her taken by the current
Upon her now still bosom rests a lone frog
He sits upon what seems to now be a lifeless log
Even in such a state she mesmerizes me more so than questions of God.

Slowly the wind ripples the calm surface of the water,
seeing her hair gently sway with her prison I must now reflect.
Was it passion that drove me to this crime?
Perhaps I wandered if she like most things could retain such beauty for all time.
My hands twitch at my sides,
They sing to me of the most evil action they have committed against such a creature.

I tell myself she is now at peace as I stare into her empty eyes
She is now beyond such tedious things as kinship ties
And now she sings with angels.
Snow now falls around my sacred sight.
Perching on the trees and all around
Covering all but one spot in the ground.

Even the snow is afraid to spoil such sacred rest
I try to fathom how sin has created such beauty.
Perhaps I shall find the answer soon enough
For now I shall let sleeping beauty lie.
Forever as still as night,
Beneath the bottom of a pond.

Nicholas Abaddon

Nicholas Abaddon

The Sacred Plain Of The Old Ones
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