Breaking Through The Sky Of Lies Poem by Maya Reid

Breaking Through The Sky Of Lies

I don’t know who I am anymore
The person you see
On the outside
Is just a magnified mirror image
Of a lie
Every day I lie
And I lie
And I lie
And people eventually started to realize
But still I didn’t stop
I just got better at it
And now I’ve spent so much time lying
That I can’t even remember the truth
Ten thousand mirrors reflect
The distorted image of...
Of what?
Of absolutely nothing
There is nothing inside
Nothing but Pain and Torture
Do those count?
No, dig deeper
There’s gotta be something under there
I can feel something under there
I – the real me – is down there somewhere
Digging up at the sky
The rocky sky of Pain, Torture,
Caked up makeup, dried out paints, broken masks
Clawing my way up through the sky
Up towards the light
That distant, oh so far away light
That I can see through the tiny hole I’ve made in the sky
The hole through which I watch the world go by
The hole through which I watch that outside me
Lie and lie and lie
And every day I take away
Another small piece of that sky
And try to break out of this self-made jail
And stop the flow of lies
I will not sit here silently
And watch my life pass me by
I swear I will get out of here
Even if the only way is to die
But my patience is running thin
I’m starting to think I’ll be stuck here forever
I think I’ll just give up
I fall back off the ladder
Hit the ground and start to cry
And in a fit of frustration
I kick up at that goddamn sky
And it starts a rockslide
Just my luck
I curl up into a ball to protect myself
And when it’s over I look up
And see an oh so fragile door of glass
You’re standing there on the other side
Around your neck hangs a key
And I can’t hear you but somehow know
That you’re calling out to me
So I climb back up that ladder
And stretch my arm up through the hole
And reach out into empty space
As I’ve so often done
And I hear a sound that’s distant but familiar
The sound of a key turning in a lock
And then suddenly it’s not empty space anymore
I grab onto something solid – something’s there
Your hand meets mine as you open the door
As our fingers touch, the rocky sky instantly crumbles
I am whole again
I am free
And because of you
There are no more lies.

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