Breathe Underwater Poem by RayOfLight. madonna

Breathe Underwater

i take her down to the hill with the little flowers growing.
everything looks so peaceful, so calm.

The sun is high up in the sky, making everything look beautiful.
Wearing a white dress that flows in the wind.
Her flipflops flatten the grass beneath her feet.

She's running now, towards the big oak tree where she finds him.
drinkin lemonade and listening to soft music that the birds sing.

She sits next to him and gives him a gentle kiss on his cheek

Both get up and run through what seems an endless field filled with the little flowers.
They ran and they ran till they see the lake in front of them.
It's beautiful, the color is deep blue, the rays of sun beating down on the water,
making it glitter.

At the end of the pier they sit down.
Looking at eachother with a look of love in their eyes.

They both stand and take their clothes off, eyes locked on eachother.
Jumping in the water while holding hands.

A pile of clothes is all there is left.

The colorfull fish swimming around her head just looks like a vague moving
rainbow to her.

the water around her changed his color from blue to red.

her eyes seem to drop, all she wants is to close them forever.

the last thing she sees is the rays of sun shining all the way
down to where she is,

on the bottom of the lake, lifeless.

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