Chasing The Pendulum Poem by Svanhildur Njálsdóttir

Chasing The Pendulum

Back and forth
back and forth
Perpetual Pendulum
the eternal motion
between eternal pain
and eternal pleasure

For the blood of god
pressed to my lips
sipping the sweet
bitter liquid
sometimes smooth
sometimes choke

Smile for all is well
heart beats with it
warmth in my veins
A hug to the heart
Love and happiness
My world is here
And all is well

Reaching out to hold it
but fingers slip
where is it going?
the sweet smile
robbed by pendulum

Cry for all is hell
tears of the heart
cold in my blood
a knife to the heart
hate and misery
my world is here
and all is hell

reaching out to hold it
but fingers bleed
is it finally going?
the bitter tears
relieved by pendulum

I taste sweet salvation
and I wish to live again
that comfortable warm feeling
returning all that's dear
love and happiness
my world is here
with sweet salvation

Reaching out to hold it
but fingers slip
where is it going?
the sweet flavor
robbed by pendulum

I smell putrid damnation
and i beg to be killed
that miserable cold sensation
taking all i love
hate and misery
my world is here
with putrid damnation

Back and forth
back and forth
perpetual pendulum
the eternal motion
always swing forward
always swing back
never stays stuck
as is the nature
of pendulum

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