Chronosphericon Poem by B. Sven Telander


...a trio of portal runner excursionists escape their fallen world;
the Telecon Men of the Final Rendering
have swarmed this sphere
by saturation of culling unending...

...controlument timeclaw lockgrid via tangentialist
deathengine node of the Telecon Men grips
the last gateway of this world,
ensuring sequencing into
inexorable collapse,
barring any return... beyond counting on the Axis of Totality:
portals, gateways, doors, colonnades to anywhere
in corridors of infinite anyways across
the countless Consilience Spheres;
through Arches of Access,
all multi-dimensional paths of passage
converge, divert, disperse, and return,
through myriad calm cosmic hallways,
temporal tunnels,
magick catwalks,
leaps and linkages
to any number of
vortexes, maelstroms,
entrances and exits into
all parallels of the Omniverse...

...plunging toward the Far Core,
another caged sphere, Replicon 3,
long cataloged and controlled
and fed upon
by The Most Ancient Machine
lurches in fresh hunger;
eluding a prisonweb
of alluring comforting illusions,
the trinity remains unsnared and travel on...

...shockwaves throttle the portal runners,
the ripping of some cosmic fabric,
rupture of threaded walls between are and seem,
a vast tearing through levels macro entwined micro,
razor winds in the wormholes,
weakening unseen thin veneers
enfolding placid societies of spheres
into a churning chaos of roiling
violence and madness ready to
frenzy blossom unrelenting
for the things that feed… the entire triplicate convergence
triangulates on the possibility wave
in a forgotten nexus,
an ancient entity awaits;
its machinations reach fruition,
as the trio was steered here:
Empire Temporal ravaged via
synchronous emotion apocalypse
gambit trap; a dangerous stasis
claims one in leechclaws through time,
spectrum of stolen moments
encased in eternal drainage;
the best the duo can do to honor
fallen familiar is to survive…

...escape from lost labyrinth
of secrets and sentinels
found cold constant flame of the void;
primal chaotic embrace interlaced through all of
- what was, what will be, what never was, what always is
- an elemental pan-dimensional equilibrium of vast placid
depth and roiling mystery:
a meta-synthesis enfolded through Ultimate Inspecticon
to blossom festering or forgotten for outburst or oblivion... appearance by Agents of the Parallel Puppeteer,
superstrings threading spheres,
excursionists experience increased
fragmentation of mentalities,
hell of selves,
quick phases across a burning trans-spectrum,
mansions of misery painted
with the tainted pain
of derangement containment
- to allow flowering the merely seeds
of grander places beyond the limitations of the node...

...twin timedancers riding the blind roads of tomorrow,
swimming through plagues of clouded past,
to Zero Pulse,
intricate present folds of the eternal Now Fluctuator:
braced with temporal stabilizer fusing
the quintessence of precious yesterday mornings
with extracted essences of perfect twilights
from a thousand seasons hence;
in canopy of billowing webbing
connecting each to the others,
comprised of filtering filaments,
differential diffusers, and tender
sifting tendrils weaving vectored
momentum into and through
Cathedral of Moments-
lost among the Sanctuary of Silences,
Arcades of Incidents, Apse of Lapses,
Chapel of Fast Acting Tragedy or Narthex of Laughter,
Vault of Altered Plans and Unexpected Epiphany
condensed expanded- in and about and beyond
the deep sighs of
the breath of time, timelessness, and anti-time...

…cartographers of synchromysticum maps,
hidden terrain of heart ferries sojourners from aphelion stations,
soul string sephiroth of psyche along ornamental pathways of choice
or created sectors of fate and wishes
throughout in continuum paradoxicalibrations:
past present future, stretching looping returning expanding shrinking
blurring into incorporeal chambers and chrono-fire ignites
an all time now always forever molten spacetime moment…

…an aeon eating Carnivortex Dominioneer:
of the Night Surgeons, Agents of the Bleak Culling,
Mutilation Magistrates from the Temple of the End;
haven of harbingers of horror,
designers of demise and delight,
no morsel of hope too small to devour,
invited to the desecration;
strung through the Multiversal OmniAll,
Thresher of the Domains, dwelling at all thresholds-
-intervenes via white void rupture to dine
on the mindtime heartplace soulengine
of excursionist stolen in nano-moment
from a reverie of freedom unending and dreams yet to be born…

…cosmosis entrance influx for solitary spacetime traveler
into Ne Plus UltraNexus of Neverywherealities Consolidated,
numinous arms of cosmic mechanics webbing
transgalactive creation symbignosis
through Tender StarHarvest Hyper-Sphere Consilience Protectorate;
before a blur of a trillion breathing portals,
this systems surfer dance of grand growing
energy laden architecture laced in aeonian complexity,
threading celestial needles with quantum torque of thought
arcing voluminous shades of sculpted nexions
through the over-arching superstructure:
fundamental primal connection junctions
intersecting in eternal convergence,
each divergence of timeline branching
via chrono-engines of choices uncountable,
painting at fusions or trifurcations unseen or seen,
written in whispers of what if;
this lone excursionist tastes wisdom on the wind of years,
interlocking nodes woven finer than chaos warp in order helix weave,
secrets and mysteries holding with the known
interlaced crossroads of potential and actualization,
gleaned from all the previous attempts—a healing respite
via dreamtime oasis scattered along a dozen worlds of childhood,
then next mission plan; visions of phasejump consciousness integration bolt
projectrics fired backwards inside most recent timeline,
deep into herself at the last gateway of Telecon taken sphere,
protect her family this time, reunite the trio, jaunt for new beginnings…

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