Computer Poem by Jerry Behr Number 2


Well computer its back to normal now,
After all that chaos,
I’ve learned a lot.
Just for the moment things got out of control.

Maybe your getting old,
Or it may be me asking too much of you,
You are after all an old computer,
With an old word processor.

I think you and I have a lot in common.
I greatly enjoy your company.
I myself am on a learning curve,
I hasten to add I am shall we say a mature aged student.

However even in your current state,
Although we have been heavily used before,
We can still operate.
As long as we are in our environments then we can work wonderfully.

I have noticed between you and I
That if we step outside of our environments then we will crash.
Probably it is our age, or physical limitations that we have to be aware of,
I tell you what computer, mutual respect wouldn't go astray.

So both of us have to stay within our parameters,
Otherwise we will have the chaos as at the beginning.
I realize I can’t push you too hard,
Or else I know, you will crash.

I have noticed that you and I
Have a mishmash of skills and programs,
So although we are a vintage, used in certain settings
The end result is sheer genius.

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