Death Poem by Afrooz Jafarinoor


Rating: 4.6

There came death again and took one of us away
It flashed and took the senses from some of us away
It turned into a wave on the waiting beach of life
It washed another name inscribed in sand away
The salt in water hurts our eyes
It will hurt till our turn arrives
We will melt in the fire of sorrow for our dears
We will be a straw in its powerful seizures
The light straw flies with joy and no pleases
We will be left with thousands of challenges.

Hazel Durham 08 July 2015

Beautiful write with great imagery and inspired lines!

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Sochukwu Ivye 12 October 2017

I didn't only see it, I felt it by the power of your wording. What an excellent piece you have here about the 'quietus' in all its profundity. Thanks for writing this, please. I grew the next second upon reading.

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 12 October 2017

I must thank you for reading my poem and such a comment that is poetic by itself. I really love your mastery over the language.

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Agbor Enya 15 June 2017

Just the sad realities of life, touching my heart deeply with these lines of yours. Thanks for sharing.

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 16 June 2017

Thans for resding and this nice comment.

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Rahman Henry 04 November 2015

Wonderful death poem, ...

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 04 October 2015

Verily, a heart touching poem, Loved reading it

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 04 November 2015

Glad to read this!

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Roseann Shawiak 10 September 2015

Death does keep coming again and again, taking away those we love. The pain we're left with hurts our hearts and souls forever, yet one day too, death will take us away. Realistic poem on death and it's effects on us all. Very well written, great imagery! Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Afrooz Jafarinoor 11 September 2015

Thank you dear RoseAnn!

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