Death Blow Poem by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

Death Blow

Grave misdeeds, dismal wicked ways
Take away the Light of Spirit Holy...
And baseless, doltish presumption
Of blessed, blissful, beatific days...

Minds vacuous, black as cavernous pit
Insane dissenters, thickheaded heretics
Distorting Doctrines Perpetual bit by bit
No sage thought of damnation admit.

Minds defying God's Pure, Infallible Authority
Using deposit of Faith as mere commodity
Daring to twist restorative, Saving Truth
Choosing perfidious, infernal tread of frivolity.

To raise urgently steadfast, loyal din...
Of host of perils, immortal damages
Of blameful and impenitent deadly sin...
Acts unguided by Faith's Light impart no win.

Suffering from severe disorder... head
Take heed that a soul is downright dead
- - - -In perpetrating one mortal sin!
And, one dying in un-contrite sin mortal
Will never ascend to heavenly portal...

Deadly sin cannot be an apple of discord
As revealed fully by Author of Salvation
For grave offense, one cannot afford
As asinine notion as 'sin's relativity'!

Grave transgression is wholly joined
With ghastly - permanent finality...
- - - - For poisoning, murdering
- - - - - Life-giving charity...

Pride, as pernicious stimulus
To violent enmity, infidelity
Tying in... with unrepentant deadly sin
Retains forever - damnatory reality!

Owing to scandalous Truth's perversity
And remorseless sin's absurdity...
Oodles of souls fall into dire lake of fire
Unquenchable, everlasting fire... with rapidity...

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: christian
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