Death Of The Poet / Смерть Поэта Poem by Dave Bennett

Death Of The Poet / Смерть Поэта

Death of the Poet (Смерть Поета)


Take vengeance now, o Lord, take vengeance!
I'll fall down at your feet:
Be virtuous and execute the killer,
So that his sentence, when our days are passed,
May warn our children of your final judgment,
That villains may example in it find.

The Bard is slain! - with honor bursting,
Felled by a slanderous rumor, dead,
Lead in his breast; for vengeance thirsting,
And hanging his majestic head!
Unable to abide dominion
Of shame from petty insults hurled,
He rose alone against opinion
Just as before, and left the world!
He's slain, and sobs have no more uses,
Nor futile choirs with praise ornate
Nor smarmy babble of excuses
'Twas sentence levied him by fate!
Was it not you, who first from spite did
Try hard to cloud his gift with doubt,
And then for fun just reignited
A fire which nearly had gone out?
Well good for you! He couldn't handle
The latest bite from torture's teeth:
You've snuffed his genius like a candle,
You've withered out his sacred wreath.

His killer struck the blow, cold-blooded,
With no chance of deliverance:
One empty heart slew one o'er-flooded,
With resolute indifference.
Is anyone surprised that France has
Its unloved by the hundreds here,
Who seek to profit and endear,
Thrown hither by fate's circumstances?
With impudence he sneered and panned
A foreign country's tongue and story
He couldn't spare us our own glory
He grasped not, in that instant gory,
Against just what he'd raised his hand!

And now he's slain, and claimed by bower,
As was a bard we knew for but an hour,
Whom jealousy its victim made,
Of whom sang he, with sound that held such power,
Struck down, as was he too, by hands so ruthless laid

What made him turn from friends and pleasures worth enjoying,
To enter a domain so envious and cloying
For his free heart with passions all ablaze?
What made him give his hand to no-accounts that slander?
What made him trust false words; caresses that philander,
He, of the people, since his youngest days?

And, having snatched his wreath - they took one that was thorny,
With laurels intertwined, and put it on him now:
But needles hidden there did sorely
Enpierce his sacred, glorious brow;
In poison were his final hours of constitution
Through wily whispers of those dolts who so aggrieved,
And thus he died - athirst for retribution,
With deep inquietude for all his hopes deceived.
The wondrous sounds have ceased surreally,
Their spreading he can no more deal:
The bard's preserve is cramped and dreary,
And on his lips there is a seal.
And you, vainglorious descendants,
Your fathers' cruelty is what comes first to mind,
You've trampled fragments, through the heel of your attendants,
Of countless clans for whom fate's game was not as kind!

You avaricious crowd around the throne reposing,
You murderers of glory, genius and liberty!
You lurk beneath law's cloak and shun exposing,
Before you truth and right must stifled be!
But Judgment still awaits, you cronies ever wrangling!
Harsh Judgment for your crime;
It's deaf to gold and silver's jangling,
Both actions and cabal it knows ahead of time.
Then vainly will you turn again to vicious rumors:
For they'll not shield you from the mud,
Nor can you wash away with all your blood and tumors
The Poet's pure and righteous blood!

Translation Copyright ©2017 David Mark Bennett



Отмщенья, государь, отмщенья!
Паду к ногам твоим:
Будь справедлив и накажи убийцу,
Чтоб казнь его в позднейшие века
Твой правый суд потомству возвестила,
Чтоб видели злодеи в ней пример.

Погиб поэт! - невольник чести-
Пал, оклеветанный молвой,
С свинцом в груди и жаждой мести,
Поникнув гордой головой! ..
Не вынесла душа поэта
Позора мелочных обид,
Восстал он против мнений света
Один, как прежде... и убит!
Убит! .. к чему теперь рыданья,
Пустых похвал ненужный хор
И жалкий лепет оправданья?
Судьбы свершился приговор!
Не вы ль сперва так злобно гнали
Его свободный, смелый дар
И для потехи раздували
Чуть затаившийся пожар?
Что ж? веселитесь... - он мучений
Последних вынести не мог:
Угас, как светоч, дивный гений,
Увял торжественный венок.

Его убийца хладнокровно
Навел удар... спасенья нет:
Пустое сердце бьется ровно,
В руке не дрогнул пистолет.
И что за диво? ... издалека,
Подобный сотням беглецов,
На ловлю счастья и чинов
Заброшен к нам по воле рока;
Смеясь, он дерзко презирал
Земли чужой язык и нравы;
Не мог щадить он нашей славы;
Не мог понять в сей миг кровавый,
На что он руку поднимал! ..

И он убит - и взят могилой,
Как тот певец, неведомый, но милый,
Добыча ревности глухой,

Воспетый им с такою чудной силой,
Сраженный, как и он, безжалостной рукой.

Зачем от мирных нег и дружбы простодушной
Вступил он в этот свет завистливый и душный
Для сердца вольного и пламенных страстей?
Зачем он руку дал клеветникам ничтожным,
Зачем поверил он словам и ласкам ложным,
Он, с юных лет постигнувший людей? ...

И прежний сняв венок - они венец терновый,
Увитый лаврами, надели на него:
Но иглы тайные сурово
Язвили славное чело;
Отравлены его последние мгновенья
Коварным шепотом насмешливых невежд,
И умер он - с напрасной жаждой мщенья,
С досадой тайною обманутых надежд.
Замолкли звуки чудных песен,
Не раздаваться им опять:
Приют певца угрюм и тесен,
И на устах его печать.
А вы, надменные потомки
Известной подлостью прославленных отцов,
Пятою рабскою поправшие обломки
Игрою счастия обиженных родов!

Вы, жадною толпой стоящие у трона,
Свободы, Гения и Славы палачи!
Таитесь вы под сению закона,
Пред вами суд и правда - всё молчи!
Но есть и божий суд, наперсники разврата!
Есть грозный с уд: он ждет;
Он не доступен звону злата,
И мысли, и дела он знает наперед.
Тогда напрасно вы прибегнете к злословью:
Оно вам не поможет вновь,
И вы не смоете всей вашей черной кровью
Поэта праведную кровь!

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov,1837

Monday, July 29, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: death,poet
Translating classical Russian poetry while maintaining the original meaning, rhyme, and meter is my favorite hobby. This poem was written by Lermontov (descendant of Scottish Learmonths or Lairmonts) shortly after his friend and colleague Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet of all time, was shot in a duel at the age of 36 by his wife's brother-in-law, Frenchman Georges d'Anthèsin. Lermontov composed the poem in two sittings: the first was the main body, as Pushkin lay morally wounded; upon learning that Pushkin had died of his wounds, he penned the opening 6 and final 16 lines. Lermontov's accusations that the Court with its political intrigue was to blame for the duel earned him exile to the Caucasus. Ironically, Lermontov himself, widely viewed as Russia's second greatest poet, would be killed in a duel at the age of 26.
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