Does Dream Come True? Poem by Sreekala Sukumaran

Does Dream Come True?

Rating: 5.0

I can see the sparkling eyes,
This glitters while looking at me,
Wants to say so many things,
That he spoke through his silence.

Can see an innocent smile in him,
So sweet and true it is,
Comes gently from his heart,
Like the flow of a river.

Love to hear his deep and caring words,
Like sweet nectar it turns,
With his magical way of speaking,
That reached my ears.

Suddenly woke up from my sleep,
And felt all these happened,
As if I knew him for years and years,
Still waiting for an untold story….

Rajinder Singh 20 April 2010

yes dreams do come true some it some unfulfilled desire.very well written and lovely poem.10/10

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Ken E Hall 11 May 2010

Luvli poem..when he dorh come will be on a magic carpet like your poem +++10 regards

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Sreejith Kulaparambil 15 May 2010

beautiful poem... good imagination... and nice description of your loved one which comes in your dreams.... may be this way the dream may come true..... 10 points from my side...

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Gaurav Silwal 18 May 2010

nice poem, ...poetess... It is a pleasure to read your works. regards gaurav

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Ravi Sathasivam 18 May 2010

Yes, dreams do come true... Beautiful poem with lovely words Enjoyed reading it Thanks for sharing with me

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And if you believe with all your heart....dreams do come true. Wonderful poem my friend; D

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Gita Ashok 09 June 2010

I meant - 'yearning' in the previous comment! ! !

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Gita Ashok 09 June 2010

So may positve emotions flow through this poem - love, yearning, faith, trust, anticipation. A brilliant write, indeed! Enjoyed reading it.

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Gita Ashok 09 June 2010

So may positve emotions flow through this poem - love, yearning, faith, trust, anticipation. A brilliant write, indeed!

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‘…That he spoke through his silence….’ Silence is brilliance resplendent…to come true and it comes if yearning is highest 10/10 Ms. Nivedita UK

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