Don'T Give Me Trust Poem by Amy Fifita

Don'T Give Me Trust

Don't you trust me,
Don't you dare.
You'll soon see,
That you shouldn't have cared.
Why did you place,
The trust on my lap?
Should have let it an empty space,
And then you wouldn't have been in my trap.
You should listen to me when I tell you,
Trust me not 'cause I will disapoint.
I'll leave you all torn up and blue,
And I'll beat you trust and disjoint,
You heart as it will rust,
'Cause I will be the one,
Who betrays your trust.
And that is when your trust is done.

Afzal Shauq 29 July 2009

I'll leave you all torn up and blue, And I'll beat you trust and disjoint, You heart as it will rust, 'Cause I will be the one, Who betrays your trust. And that is when your trust is done. wow sweet poem and the pain is felt their in a realistic what you expressed and sure its very much poetic way.. wel done..10/10

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Fire Frog 22 February 2009

I like your poem. Don't knock yourself out that fast. Anyone can be trusted and everyone needs forgiveness when trust is broken. Have faith in yourself and you will succeed.

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Eddie Roa 22 February 2009

Yoau're a real feisty lady! I shudder to think of any man earning your ire. nice write.

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