Dream Poem by Can I Live?


Rating: 5.0

I once got a promotion;
I moved way up.
They were all there, watching.
She pulled me close and said 'appreciate him.'
I lied and pretended so no one would know.

He drew deep in my skin with a scary tool
Filled with ink.
She saw it all
but stayed silent.
Sitting with my heart beside me,
Members of the past sat across.

A girl I used to know sang to me.
The other one came on stage
She was so little...

I was looking around
When an old friend appeared suddenly
Then disappeared faster
Right before I saw the girl
Looking at things not meant to be had.
I spoke her name

She did not hear me so I screamed.
Then I wished I hadn't when she turned to me
With big blue eyes
And a hurtful glare.
I told her she sang real good before...

Then I went back;
He was reading foolish things
With pictures I wish not to remember.
But he stopped to lie with me
In her room of green.
We watched the TV,
Then I saw him there across the way...

I threw him his shirt
And demanded he put it on for extra warmth
But he refused.
I began to look for mine,
Then I realized...
I had no body to put it on anyways

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