Ebola War Poem by David Oladipupo Olorunshola

Ebola War

Without any sort of warning
Silent and confidently came creeping
A visitor most dreaded and unwanted
Mostly confined outside the city gate
Use deception to gain entrance
In order to put people to trance
Pouncing on unsuspecting without notice
Yet, not letting go is providence
Coming to the rescue of the populace
Unleashing its demonic tendency
Spreading like a touch of fire
Ravaging and destruction on its path
Non too sacred to its touch
Except contained and put to sleep
No one may dare to gamble a leap
Nations and peoples rose in unison
In order to defend their territories
Yet, the visitor can always find a way
Traveling at the speed of light
Fear on every side spread
No solution nor cure is spared
Though science race to the rescue
Except The Lord intervenes
Many have been left subdue
Yet, if the fight is not won on time
Time may be albatross for some
As in a frenzied manner to with
Pile upon pile of people sent out
With no flowers nor farewells
From loved ones and aquitances
Before there tombs are dispatched
No written epitaph are prepared
Nor any candle procession ever organized
To bid them safe journey
Only tears, wailing and anguish of soul
Leaving out many unfulfilled dreams
And Many ending before it starts at all
We bow in surrender to you only, Our Maker
As we dare to fight on undeterred
Though we may look feeble
We are sure. We will win the war

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