Economical Perfect Harmony And Its Human Stages Of Achieving It Poem by Erhard Hans Josef Lang

Economical Perfect Harmony And Its Human Stages Of Achieving It

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In a harsh world of money, something such as like ours these days,
All the good elements with bravely applied human talents
And nobler tracts of the animal character all are
Kept to work out continuously in most of their harrowed lives' days
Marked obligations to the once-chosen sectors of
One's enterprising or labouring servilitude
Where each and everyone is listed on
In the books of the chief registrar that
Goes by the name of Money.

Without that ruthless hard blackjack in
The hands of this rulership of infantile traits
That yet doesn't know any better means but to call in for help as panacea -
The only way held possible until now so as not to
Be constantly doubting, duelling and battling each and another,
Amongst oneself and one's own outstanding species
In one's galling materialistic envy of the clumsy and
Unlucky poor soul and its ignorant outlooks of envy
With its stupefied looks that can kill for the lowest values and
With its brazen arms that it is ready to wield -
A values ordinancing system and device of
A medium highly corrupted by all kinds of most
Divergent interests,
As treacherous and intent on evil as is Money,
For all transactions on earth,
Which, now that it once had been released
On its oh so painfully bearing, long-lasting lease of stand-in,
Athwart all our things and their physically intelligent owners,
Demonstrates time and again for all grown-ups in mind to fear,
That it does indeed have the power,
Though however faceless the invisible handle of
The persuader hammer may be,
To knock any singular man that dares to stand in the way of
These breezes of pecuniary stench,
That flow all over and throughout our so tough money-pacified world,
Right off his feet, however good the poor man might in all his other respects have been,
Only for a man or woman not having wanted to take to rubbing sides
With this little fiend of tricky marvels who ever
Goes about so princely, in the guise of royalties,
Though a mere beggar-figure, after all,
(What were all physical money's value in itself
In all our earth's animal-animated world,
If not for us slanted-eyed humans?) and for
Not ploughing their allotted shares readily also into the national field arena
With all its succulant pools of stately classes
Ever so eagerly watched over with eagles' eyes
By those politically borne prodigal supermen with
The country's purse around their necks,
These administratistical hieronomics with their multiple portfolios
As life-insuring cage-wards of people's tiresome welfare,
Often times, paradoxically, a real-time killer in itself.

And still, some people's thing money never will have come to be,
Though the harsh world of money is widely reckoned as one
Wherein everyone, in the end, gets set or laid, somehow,
For the worse or better.

But there are some individuals, who
Without any conscious guilt of their own,
Meet with such cruel fates with them being
Made to pay sums very much higher than whatever
Strength, trained abilities and strained
Stints that have held in store nothing but bad luck,
As it comes to making opportunities that make the money,
Had ever, on their parts, allowed for,
Be it thanks to some clumsiness with them,
Or some other wayward destiny,
Who are verily heard sadly tolling out of time
Their own knells, out of sheer unbeatable, destructive despondency,
Over just not having been able to live up to the things
Demanded by the risen hand of money
In the name of a dictator of some sorts
Which had made the person literally be rolling on the ground
And paying and paying as many bills & tolls as
In the life of one man only can be,
Which pain normally lasts until such time that
The tolling of the meanwhile worn-down beast of burdens' knell were to be heard in its own time
For them to leave the world -
Eventually being called off
For the last final shift-change
As another human comet soul to expire, though
Grown richer in all his poorly run money world -

A time-frame, when thus come to sit inside a money pressure cooker -
The whole future of length of their own life yet to be - that all too many
Over-heavily burdened people just
Can't stand waiting any longer for it to pass by other means
Than to have themselves swatted out of their debts,
Bloody cruel but cleared clean,
By leaving on a simple note into the only one safehaven remaining them,
Far enough away from any credit collectors of theirs,
After receiving their life-threatening strokes from the high-voltage mace of tragic financial ends.

In a fairer world of money, however, someone, for example
Of the gilded labourers with a megalocephalic half-brother,
Whose head were simply too big for having the odd-levelled pecuniary abacus fit into it,
And who thus were to be fed without anything from him to get,
Would have a right to resolve, himself, on
His privileges as a humanitarian,
Instead of paying taxes for the benefit of all-out Mister Everybody
Who never personally seems to care about anyone in particular,
To declare to desist from paying the commoners obulus
In the form of obligatory taxes to his state of community of overriding dimensions,
Directly to support, and be it
Through even higher amounts of value than
The state otherwise should rip off from him,
Fully from his own pockets thus
His big-headed relative with the cap in his hand,
And, in a world which really traded with its money fairer,
This decision of such a person who knows to balance the responsibilities
Were to be accepted by his community's watchdogs,
As instantly as voluntary as, in a truly fairer world of money,
All members of the working society were expected
To be there and to stand in for their dear community and its needs -
Out of sheer co-operation in conscientious understanding with the heavy lots of the masses,
Wherein everyone flows along one's river of life -
Without having to pay back to any other big-headed
Contemporary with a cap in his hand -
The tax consultant, for that matter - yet most of the gains
From exemption of any harsh taxes that were
Granted after tedious & costly processed legal evaluations only.

The harsher the impetus exerted on people
To make them move and came up with their contributions
On behalf of the success of the society in which they have to function,
The lesser the appeal of getting oneself started up voluntarily
For any common good other than of one's own.

The true state of economical liberty, the third state in
Man's evolution of harmonious co-existence,
That were to have all remnants of harshness of the old money system eradicated
And that were neither endowed with the afore mentioned,
More relieved scheming of monetary management -
Though fairer in human dealings than in
The rude business persuader world of the first order,
Imperfect and not yet the best of best of its kind -
The second state of new economical freedom being
A mere transitional one, with more personal
Economical largesse of public responsibilities taken,
In which already the vision of overcoming totally all
Half-heartedness of people's panvoluntaristic endeavours
Has sprung up and spread out,
Itself but being a preliminary precursor to the ultimate ripening of
Ever-fair and never-ending and richly glorious times
For real in the life of everyone on the globe of divine hope
To arrive and to stay with us
In all households of countries and places
Throughout the whole world community -
Is achieved only then, when
An ultimate ban on money eventually will have been pronounced,
And heavenly bells have been ringing at this most festive moment of all times,
When on all corners of the far and wide earth,
The gates to a new modern-times paradise are flung up wide open,
For each and everyone of us humans to enter and to securely abide there,
Where humankind finally will be rid of all the basic root of evils
- With no come-back for that never rueful medium money,
That so shamelessly always consents to most
Of any crimes of passion done in the world,
Evermore thinkable -

The beginning of a totally new book of man's history
Through the third, conclusive, most simple step
In becoming
As free a being as any being on earth should be,
Most especially if in the case of a species
That treasures it to be called intelligent...

Why not then also be intelligent consequently by doing away with basic evil? !

Erhard Hans Josef Lang

Erhard Hans Josef Lang

Günzburg/Danube Germany
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