Evening Light Poem by Tom Billsborough

Evening Light

Rating: 3.5

My eyes now follow
Trajectories of shadows.
Deep, dark green hollows
Beneath the elder,
Enhancing the meadowsweet's
White feathers
And the cascades of jasmine
Swimming like stars.
And the pale greens and purples
The bi-coloured marjoram
And the spiked betony.
I am seduced by these contrasts
Which the light now fingers
Shaping its sculptures
With trajectories of shadows.

Friday, July 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Kelly Kurt 16 July 2016

Delightful! I like to visit each of my gardens at different times of the day. At sunset, I sit on the patio and smell the phlox

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Tom Billsborough 16 July 2016

YES, THE phlox have a fine aroma.. I think white and blue flowers are outstanding in the evening. Meadowsweet reminds me of Vanilla, my favourite Ice Cream Flavour. Whoops must get that Cherry pie you had in your Senyru. Goes well with Ice Cream! ! Tom

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Pamela Sinicrope 18 July 2016

I am seduced by this poem. Like mirrors, I love poems about shadows. Interestingly, this poem is not necessarily about shadows produced by the speaker, but more like shadows produced in nature, that provide the contrast necessary to even more closely observe nature's beauty that harsh sunlight can sometimes obscure. This is often written about by photographers when considering the best time of day to capture the best images. The imagery in your poem is pure beauty as are the words. Just love this one. Thanks!

1 1 Reply
Jane Campion 31 July 2019

A natural poet who colors the canvas wth nature's beauty.

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Abdulrauf Muhammad 29 April 2019

its a well crafted poem and its interesting I like it. can you please check my poem " I seek a friend" it maybe of your interest,

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Bharati Nayak 02 August 2018

My eyes now follow Trajectories of shadows. Deep, dark green hollows Beneath the elder, Enhancing the meadowsweet's White feathers And the cascades of jasmine Swimming like stars. - - - - - - - - - - - -Wow.....the lovely word pictures can seduce anybody ! !

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Sochukwu Ivye 17 October 2017

Metaphorically enriched piece of hope-giving poem. It's shortly salient. Much kudos to the skilled hand.

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Tom Billsborough 17 October 2017

Thanks, Chukwuma. I must catch up on your other poems soon. I was delighted by your Autumns Ode.

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Baharak Barzin 13 January 2017

Thank you poet for sharing it

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Tom Billsborough 13 January 2017

thank you, Baharak. The garden's a bit bare at the moment. Just waiting for the snowdrops and crocus to start flowering!

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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