'F' Memories Poem by Armand Miller

'F' Memories

I lie here inside
Waking in the nutrients
And enjoying her taste
YOu see little do you know
I know everything you do
I just don't know it
These mushy salt things you swallow down
covered in soft creamy sweet
I wonder if mommy knows
How good this tate
I love hoe she
Gently careses me
Each passing day
I notice the connection
And the rhythym of our thump-thumps
Become more alike
I could feel when she was angry
And I knew one day
I'll help her
Because we were forever linked
Whether it's 3 days knowing
and 9 monhs confirming
I'll love her until
I no longer can

A long while l; ater
I'm blinded vy a light
Everything is a giant blur
The cold air is nibbling at my skin
Everythign slowly begins coming in focus now
And I see the woman
The ladt rhar let me enjoy
Everythign she ate
Everything she touched
Everything she felt
My Mother.
And yet she never looked at me
Some person in white
gave her a weird flimsy thing
then she put her hand to it
In the most awkward position
And the guy holding me
PLaced me in a chamber
No other babies near me
The colored puffs came in
And made me feel dizzy
But I could feel my thump-thump
Start to slow
She did this
She let them take me
She gave me up
She never wanted me
How could she not....

I arrive back
To the keeper of souls
He asks me if I was the one
That was supposed to cure cancer
I chuckle and reply
I was supposed to do alot of things
But my mother didnt want me
She didn't care to think abouy
Why, if and how it would
Effect mankind as they know it

I ask how long will it be till i go back

He checks his books and says....

25 years

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