Façade Of Sympathy Poem by Trade Martin

Façade Of Sympathy

Sure you felt bad…..,
Yes, it touched your heart….,
The sadness and the grief….,
That tore many dreams apart….,
But how quickly most forgot….,
And tried to switch the blame….,
From one thing to another…..,
Just like a little game….! ! !

We should have done this….,
What if we had been here….? ? ?
Maybe if we were there….,
Who knows if we were fair….? ? ?
Do you think we have too much….? ? ?
Is it that they envy us….? ? ?
Could they hate our lifestyle….? ? ?
We must not be treating them right…..,
We’re doing something wrong….,
We must have too much wealth….,

Why don't we stop all the bullcrap.....,
And just kill the terrorists bastards….,
Before they murder all of us.....,
To protect our lives and health….? ? ?

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