Feelings: Pick Way Carefully, Curse Of Pyramid, Palatable Poem by Margaret Alice

Feelings: Pick Way Carefully, Curse Of Pyramid, Palatable

Rating: 3.5

Pick My Way

Why can’t I just eat and love and be,
why am I not free? The fear living
in my head just waiting to appear
on any pretext

The pie I ate yesterday, the words I
read on the Internet, the news in
papers which I try to eschew,
causing physical pain

For what, nothing changes, not even
me, no scars to show, I remain the
same flibbertigibbet as before, all I
know is to pick my way

So carefully that bad news and
negative reviews cannot find
me easily…

Curse of the Pyramid

A crocodile with a headache surviving its life
cannot escape the curse of the pyramid, it has
to crawl into an emotional hole and offer
its pizza-head some respite, a crocodile in
a restaurant can’t be trusted at all

It too well remembers that previous attempts
at good dietary prescriptions had very little
effect and whether feeling off, a little or a lot,
does not really matter, feeling well is out of
the question - it is the curse of the pyramid

All it can do is dissimulate until the respite
of lunch on the hour, slinking out with four
library books at a temperature of thirty-two
is not to be recommended, but staying here
in the cool with the office air-con

Accusing it of grave dereliction of duty, is worse;
maybe next time it’ll eschew the pizza again -
what makes the dough so immensely exciting,
what is there in the taste of sweet and sour

The crocodile doesn’t know, but caught in an
existential crisis with swollen eyes, nothing
matters but making time pass – maybe with
another illegal bite – what is there to lose…
it’s the curse of the pyramid…

Much More Palatable To Crocodilian Taste

The librarian nearly made three backward salto’s
when I tried to take back the books he had
checked in, the crocodile apologised and
he good-naturedly agreed that I should have
stayed in the office

Got a Gypsy Girl Trilogy book, a book by Mary Stewart
translated into Afrikaans, and Crystal Mask by
Katherine Roberts – anything to do with gypsies,
crystals and masks is sure to catch the crocodile’s
eye - then received warning

A book was left at home, Edgar Cayce, American
Seer par excellence, he has convinced me
a crocodilian lifestyle centred on the self is
not right, but the reptile cannot be saved,
so back to books

About fantasies – this is much more
palatable to crocodilian taste…

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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