Fighting For Space In My Showcases …. [ P H Poet-Friends And Such; Humor; A Little Long] Poem by Bri Edwards

Fighting For Space In My Showcases …. [ P H Poet-Friends And Such; Humor; A Little Long]

For 10 months I've given PH friends another place to share ….
their poems, and have their names also be ……"there".
"There" is my monthly "a showcase for PH poets", you know.
from one "Section" [A], to 4 [A, B, C, &D] … did grooOW.

But now I fear it's getting "out of hand"; is it too much for me?
I'm getting old and have only so much time, don't you see?
I may have to limit total monthly entries to a hundred or so,
and, though NOT a "Contest", ‘Competition' for spots may become, for me, ….WOE.

Why, already Brian Johnston is trying to bribe Bri ….
with Dr. Pepper soft drinks ……and I‘ll now tell you why.
He wants me to add Section E, a section just for him.
Yes a whole ‘Section E' for Brian, with no spots for Sue, Tom, or Tim.
[or any other PH friends of mine. Boy! Brian sure can whine! ]

But he's not the only one trying to ‘curry my favor'.
Why, friend Valsa George offered to ‘share' the secret of her curry's flavor,
……IF I will start putting her poems on top of all others, ….
which isn't fair if HER poem always, the others' poems, smothers!

Darlene Walsh was smarter with her subtle womanly wiles;
SHE said she'd mow my lawn every week AND flash me …..smiles.
Eugene Levich said he'd translate any poems I write into Chinese,
and HE'd bring me, each week, a party pizza ……with cheese!

Ruth Walters said she'd open HER curtains (for just one night!) .
["Just one night"? It's tempting, but it just wouldn't be "right"! ] ……………..(TWO nights, and I'd "think about it") .
Clarence Prince offered to pray for me. HE's got an "in" with God]
But no matter how hard Clarence prays, I doubt God will give me ……"the nod".
Wes Vogler will write at least one limerick each month ….about ME!
All I have to do is allow HIM ‘four' in Section A, …not just two (or three) .
Savita Tyagi says she'll post HER photo for me to see,
and if that isn't good enough, then she'll serve me some … tea.

John Westlake says: "Come stay a week in U.K.; ‘MY' treat! ",
but, ‘Profanisaurus', ….I don't' know if I'd survive on scones, ale, and cured meat.

Akhtar J. and Xelam K. have said: "Come, meet OUR Pakistani daughters (in tents) ……
in exchange for more showcase spots. [We'll ask you ….no rents".]

Melvina G. and Della P. each gave me a ‘blank' IOU, …..
provided I do not limit THEIR Section C poems to two.
I was offered cashews and GOLD plates by my Mormon friend, K. Barney!
Charles Darnell offered a ride in his truck; HE's full of blarney! !

Kelly Kurt and Lora Colon let me use THEIR Master Cards.
"Is it poetry" and Patti M. invited me to picnics in THEIR yards.
M. J. Lemon and R. K. Hart BOTH let me in on the "secrets of life".
D. Scotney and J. Black BOTH threatened: "More poems OR more strife! "

Elena, Gergana, and Seema ALL sent five-pound fruitcakes.
It's a wonder: …..the difference being "Showcase Poem-master" makes!

(November 24, 2015)
(edited January 30, 2016)

Saturday, January 30, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friends,poets
the poets named [except for 'Sue, Tom, and Tim'] are really in my list of PH friends, and have been contributors to various showcases.

any poets left out of my poem shall not seek legal action against me for leaving their names out of the poem [please! ]; some may thank me!

bri :)

due to an eye problem, there has not been a showcase yet in 2016. hopefully i will get one going by March.
Eugene Levich 03 February 2016

Are you sure you aren't Britney Edwards in drag?

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Savita Tyagi 03 February 2016

Lol! That is a full plate of bribe offering! Good to see you writing again.

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Valsa George 31 January 2016

So our friend Bri has become a real celebrity! He is bribed by all.....! Fortunately he can be pleased with trifles like an ice cream, a pizza or even a piece of cheese cake, though he doesn't mind loads of them! Quite an entertaining write. Nice to know that all of us have a place in your thoughts!

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success