For My Love Poem by 7Shadows Teed

For My Love

You leave and I feel the sadness come back.
My fears come back.

When I'm with you I forget what worries me,
What bothers me,
And what troubles my soul to no ends.
You're my place of solitude.

You calm me from some of the most painful thoughts.
When I fall asleep you are what I think of to calm my soul.
When I fall asleep in you're arms,
It's not always cause I'm tired,
But cause you just make me that calm.

When I told you I love you for the first time I meant it and still do,
But I didn't realize just how much I did love you...
How much I would love you...
Who much I do love you.
you've grown to mean more to me then I can say.

If I knew it would have been this way from the first day we meet i Wouldn't have made you wait.
You mean the world to me.
I love you more then I can say.
I fear losing you.
You are my place of solitude,
My love,
My future.

With that I end this with I love you and miss you...
Until we meet again my love.
I will miss you.

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