-forsaken Love Song Of Soggy The Abomination- Poem by Ian McArthur

-forsaken Love Song Of Soggy The Abomination-

(Another WoW poem by the Troll, Swéll. If it helps clear any confusion - The apothecary that speaks is female, and Soggy's love is the Princess in Maraudon. Parodied Line for Line from T.S. Eliot's genius poem: Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock.)

'Let us go den, Soggs and I
Ta Waterfall dat sees no sky
Like a subject spread upon mae slab,
Ta probe, ta sample half deceased
Testin' da deseez
With corrupted, half demonic stands.
And specimens ta soothe our needs.
Caverns open like a treasure trove
Of insidious virulence
Leading Soggs' overwhelming bulk-
-Be quiet
I cannot wait ta apothecate! '

In Maraudon dey come and go,
Talkin' of Dark thin's ta know.

Da green stench dat rubs against da Abomination
Da green slime dat nestles in da abomination
Licks its way inta da folds of pustulance.
Sticking to da ribs, drips now an' den.
Let fall upon 'is legs da bile of 'is own gut
Jarred by a sudden turn, a rollin' sweep,
And splatterin' 'gainst da wall
rolled slowly to da floor, and gurgled once.

Indeed Maraudon 'as specimens
Dat'll see green slime dat clings ta Soggs
Smellin' da gren stench dat rubs Soggs.
So many samples, so many samples!
Ta carve a face from da satyr dat dey meet.
Dere will be time to murder, and create.
And samples for cackling work of undyin' hands
Dat lift and dropp A dead thin' on 'is plate.
Feedin' Soggs, en' specimens for she
En' samples for a 'undred tests
En' samples for a 'undred more
Before da eatin' of brains and spleen.

In Maraudon dey come and go,
Talkin' of Dark thin's ta know.

En' Indeed dere will be specimens
Dat 'ear 'Throw da switch! ' 'Throw da switch! ' En'

feel da shavin' of brain hidin' 'air.
(Soggs thinks: 'Big head brain')
Bubbling vials, Electrodes mounting in da chest
A neckline assagued by a scalpel, sharp 'en tin.
(Soggs might yawn: Muuur-Laooarggghal-fin)
'Throw da switch
Distort all nature! '
In a specimen dere is so much
For testins and samplens which 'ours will take.

'I know so much already, so much 'en all-
know da evenin's, mornin's, noon-ish tasks,
I 'ave measured out my death with gleeful flasks
I shiver in da voices dyin' in a dyin' breath.
Beneath da Undercity, like music 'en I swoon.
So 'ow should I presume? '

'I 'as lots of arms...
T-ick 'en strong, 'en bare...'
(Maybe I ask 'er ta sew mae 'air?)
She are da prettiest princess...
Big 'en more arms den me
She are da prettiest...
What do Soggy do?

Maybe, Big cave girl want ta walk da streets
'En watch da slime dat pours from da worm
Or warlocks make 'er a puppy for Soggy? ...

Maybe Soggy should asked ta 'old 'er 'and...
Feel sad now...'

'Ahh this afternoon, the blight spreads so steadily!
Coaxed by boney fingers,
Slow... Relentless... It never lingers.
Stretched on the floor, 'ere beside Soggs 'en me
Should I, after puttin' da last brain on ice
Pry open Soggs' skull ta set straight 'is crisis?
Though I 'ave cackled 'en worked, cackled, 'en made
'im a scalp of 'air (Of said last brain) brought in

upon a platter,
I am no fool-'en Soggs no great matter;
I 'ave seen the lumps of 'is brain flicker,
'En I 'ave seen dat dead footmans' terror,
'En in short, I was proud.

Not worth it, after all,
After all da parts, da 'earts, da brains
Some talk will do, With Soggs 'en me.
It is not worthwhile,
Ta 'ave calmed 'im with a crooked smile
Ta 'ave snipped a lump of 'is brain
Ta roll it towards some overflowin' gutter.
Instead, I say: I am Forsaken, come from the dead,
Here I tell you all, I shall tell you all'-
With patience, e'll work it out in 'is 'ead,
If I must say 'Dat is not what I meant at all.
Dat is not et, at all.'

'She' sayin' princess not worth Soggy...
Not worth while...
Still think of walkin' in courtyard 'en sticky streets,
'en 'er big voice, 'er pretty eyes 'en... 'en... -
'en Odder stuff too..-
Soggy want a bigger brain!
But she know Soggy, gave me brain.
'En says dat princess is not worth while
Douh I see in head da princess with Soggy
Turnin' to da slab, she says:
'No, you!
Not dat, not at all.'

Soggy not so great! Not prince for princess;
Work fer da apoth-ry, dey nice to Soggy.
'En pat-roll da streets, given' dir-eck-shins.
Should bae oppy wit dat, easy.
Oppy ta 'elp.
Careful not ta bump thin's
Not say much;
Sometimes feel strange.
Sometimes feel sad.

Soggy grow mould... Soggy grow mould...
Soggy want old stitches pulled.

Soggy not sure of 'is 'air. Not sure if want to eat. Soggy stand at da 'vater, 'en walk along da street.
Soggy 'ears odder's laffin'

Soggy not think dey ever laff wit' Soggy.

Seen dem riding up on da bats
'Oldin' shiny swords 'en tings.
'En blowin' shiny magic colours.'

Soggy walks Undercity
past people's garbed with red and brown
Till human raiders hurt 'im, and 'e falls down.

Ian McArthur

Ian McArthur

Squamish, British Columbia
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