Freedom, As You Have Others Too Have It Poem by Bashyam Narayanan

Freedom, As You Have Others Too Have It

Cool moisture laden breeze
Early morning
Just brightened eastern horizon
Dispersed sunlight
Bright enough for a brisk morn walk
I was on that
When I saw a sweet little street dog
Moving in a strait close to its mother
Enjoying freedom
Zigzagging the road
Glancing front and forth
By the sides as well
Demonstrating a desire
To be noted by all that
It can walk alone
And at a speed of its mother
Mother dog keeping a watch
At all possible vulnerable locations
It looked as if
The mother dog is training her offspring
For a full time free go later
Any way, it was nice
To watch this demonstration of freedom
And a care free moving of a
Young living being
My pleasure was not to last more
As one more trainee appeared on the road
The boy was riding a gearless two wheeler
Presumably, with his dad sitting on the back
And training
The trainee on the walk
And the trainee on the wheels
Met at a point
When the former overstepped
On the route of the latter
The latter did not expect this to happen
And failed to apply brake
Injuring, luckily, only lightly our walking dog trainee
Trainee on the walk
Realized its mistake
And was now walking
As a polite soldier following the path of the captain
But slightly limping
Trainee on the wheels proceeded further
As if nothing happened
Freedom does not necessarily mean
That you are totally free
As others too have it

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