God Is Sick! ! ! Poem by A. Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Panicker

God Is Sick! ! !

The world trembles:
For some it’s cancer;
De-forming and painful.
For others it’s diabetes;
Down-shaping and hopeless.
Some say it’s cardiac;
Unpredictable and deadly.
Yet, another set believes
It’s mental, not harmful.

And God holds that he is neither.
The whole world concludes
‘That’ itself is reason enough,
God needs to be hospitalized! !

***** *****
Is it going to be super-specialty
Or a multi-specialty facility
Where God could be admitted?
It’s not an ordinary one
He may come to need.
So man needs to raise a Godspital
Where all his subjects could stand
And keep Him wanting nothing.

**** ***** ******
The world grinds to a halt soon.
Operations get suspended
International parleys go frozen
Recession and inflation
Go to the backburner
Terrorism is a simple ailment,
Found in some asocial elements.

Poverty, discrimination,
Injustice, incompetence
Ignorance and ill-will
Corruption and crimes
And all similar social evils
Will be either secondary
Or may sound silly.

Thantris and poojaris
Mullas and mukris
Priests and purohits
Bishops and popes
the blessed and beasts;
Petty fundamentalists
And powerful stockbulls
Sex, sin and sensex
Iraqs and Irans
Obamas and Osamas
Will have the same rating.

The Rich and poor
The strong and weak
The needy and greedy
The beautiful and ugly
The petty and mighty
And all other incarnations
Will fall sick and die out,
If God fails to make it.

But God knows it pretty sure
That the whole world is so well.
It is the state of being cocksure
That makes the world unwell.

***** ******
But being sick is a route
That no one wants to seek.
Those who happen to tread it
Simply admit; God is sick;
Or, the other way round! ! !


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