God Is The Judge Poem by john raymond

God Is The Judge

I walk in to a court room
there He sits higher then all around me
the Judge will use this trial
To look at sin in my life
With Satan as my excuser
we sit at the tables before the Judge
Using the holy bible as the law book

Satan says i deserve death for my sins
I call my first witness it's Jesus the Christ
He stands up for a debt that i cant repay
Satan lost the right to charge me with death
But he still is trying to stop me from being blessed
I request that my kidneys be healed by Jesus

Satan objects on the grounds that John still doubts
Your Honor I know: by his wounds you have been healed!
Satan replies: who dose not doubt in his heart but believes
That what he says will happen it will be done for him!
Then he pointed how i doubt in anger so i can't be healed
all i say Jesus said ask with thanks giving it will be yours

The gavel comes down Sustained
Satan wants to but can't object
Then i ask the judge for Godly wife in my life
Satan asks: are you a Godly man who obeys?
I answer in shame: No i have disobeyed many times
Satan says: your RAGE will cause a divorce

Judge the book says who ever finds a wife find a good thing
Your honor it says you will not keep any good thing
For those who seek you with there whole heart
I want to do your will with my whole heart
Satan asks can you with a wife do his will?
I answer: No i need help that is not of the world

I will serve the Judge all my days
Satan goes to accuse but the Judge overrules
To say what do you want my servant
I ask for mercy grace and a helper to change me!
I sentience you to life with the holy spirit
You are to go with My blessing to bless others

Remember to trust in Me my word is law
And all will be added on to you press down running over
I thank the Judge that I won because of Jesus

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