Hanuman.. And A Peaceful Maryland Valley Poem by O Anna Niemus

Hanuman.. And A Peaceful Maryland Valley

Hanuman, your monkeys around the world pray for your
intercession...You who plucked up mountains and dropped
them into the sea... can end now their systematic murder by the thousands
in the prisons of Ft Detrick, in the peaceful Appalachian valley
near Frederick Maryland, in the underground dungeons of Harvard's
Southborough, in the subterranean jails of the University of Texas, , as well as their centuries of torture in Oxford. The list is very long.


Primate Killers:
Ft Detrick, the CDC, Oxford, Cambridge,
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Ohio State, University of Texas,
University of Wisconsin, University of Oregon, Yerkes, University of
Michigan, etc.

Many thousand primates killed in Ft Detrick, CIA and Battelle weaponized anthrax research
The CIA's funding of weaponized anthrax with 1 billion to the Battelle
Memorial Inst. of Tennessee and Ohio, with the assistance of Ft Detrick
in Frederick Maryland which had already sacrificed 4005 primates
in 1 experiment alone.
Leonard Horowitz's online articles at Tetrahedron.

Anthrax samples have been stored at over 300 sites in the US
.. from Univ of Iowa at Ames to Harvard and the Smithsonian.
Weaponized anthrax has been stored as well.

Anthrax is one of tens of thousands of zoonotic diseases
(transmitted to humans from the eating of animals or their
stolen products) . It was originally called wool sorters' disease.

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