Happy For Sun Days Poem by James Darwin Smith II

Happy For Sun Days

Falling into seasonal remorse

The days will soon grow shorter
Gray shall become the skies ruler
As the trees retreat into their own barren graves

Loneliness confronting reality
Bleak walls can only be seen
Closing in with panicked delusion
While this imagination runs chaotically astray

Frosty heart freezing thoughts
Icicles forming within this mental cave
Hallow from the desolation
Thoughts becoming an endless paradox

Wait a minute,
I love an endless paradox!
As I thrive for each moment
Relishing in what presides over the horizon

Sun shining into seasonal dreaming
The day's rejoice becomes a scenic joy
Blue becomes a new clear vision
Trees ever so greenly, standing ever so proudly
Relishing the warmth the best that they can

Loneliness, Still apparent
But I shatter these walls, with my own personal freedom
Innovation through golden ambitions
As my imagination runs wild
Amongst nature's very own enchantment

The sky has so many colors
Must cherish each one
Though I prefer clear and bright
This love must always remain multi conditional

When I fall back into darkness
Who will spring ahead of me with light?

If I become a fallen leaf,
Will I be picked up by the loving wind?
Capturing flight beyond seasonal plight
Bi polar of airs changing
Wishing for the sun to finally prevail

I battle upon these multi conditional ponderings
As I cannot stop thinking of when I will lose the sun's ever so radiant touch

Still, I must convince myself to love every season
All for the Queen of Kings and Queens, Mother Earth

Yet, The sun when upon me,
Seems to always love me at will
The sun is on a frigid season's barrowed time
Oh, How I need the light to always set me free

Yet, The sun is still here
I shall give her all of the time she has left
Feeling her essence shine upon me
As the day's dreams shall always be here

Always in my heart, mind and even my soul
The sun shall always shine within
Always and forever to beyond, always within, Here

Written on 9/23/12
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