Hasan Mustafa Poem by Suhail Kakorvi

Hasan Mustafa

“HASAN MUSTAFA” my Sweet Valentiney
ou always glitter you always shine

Allah may shower bounties on you
Always adopt the way that is true

Attain as much as possible light of learning
Always beneficial is its absorbency and earning

May you be versatile and strong
Love what is good and detest wrong

Be courageous and be fearless
God May save you from all tense

Follow Bacon's eloquent version about study
Study serves for delight, ornament and ability

Try to reach his ideas ascension
Upon last you should center attention

You are good in studied I thank God
Best try to be so that all may applaud

I observe in you development of virtue
Increase. that is incumbent upon you

* Hasan adored by Mustafa- the light divine,
Your name will surely bestow what you pine.

God may flourish your person & pen

Long you live I pray- Amen

Hasan Mustafa
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
The poem I submit herewas written when Hasan Mustafa was only Eight months old. Second or third day after the release of the poem it attracted the attention of my friend Manish Chandra Pandey working in Hindustan Times. He published the poem with very impressive news which appeared in the H.T. Now the child is 14 years old ‘Masha Allah” he is doing well in studies and my love for him is as fresh as ever nay it increases day by day by leaps and bounds. I’m sure my prayers are granted. Manish is still doing remarkable in H.T.holding important position there.I observe gradual development of virtue in him that fills me with joy.Hasan very little is with me in photo file
HAZRAT IMAM HASAN THE GRANDSON OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD PBUH MUSTAFA IS A PART OF HIS PIOUS NAME.I gave him the name the blends two great personalities.With amendments I recast the poem
No blood relation I have with Hasan but love never needs that he is son of Farah and Sheikh Asad Aamir Mustafavi closely but socially related to me not less than any blood relation;
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