I Long For A Place Poem by Francis Duggan

I Long For A Place

I long for a sunny place where it is shady far from this street of heavy traffic noise
Where birds are singing on the gums and wattles and from flowering shrub to bush fair butterflies
Display the beauty on their wings whilst in flight their purple, pink and red and blue and gold
They flit around the wildering flowers of Nature a thing of beauty is a joy to behold.

I long for a quiet place beside a river that ever babbles as it flows along
By hedge and grove where blackbird in the morning heralds the day with his territorial song
And where grey shrike thrush he comes to tune his whistle his voice once heard one never could mistake,
I long for a quiet place alone with Nature where there are trees beside a stream or lake.

I long for a place untainted by pollution where one can hear the buzz of the nectar gathering bees
And where the pleasant smells and sounds of Nature come wafting to you in the freshening breeze
From the factory chimney the black smoke is billowing near where the noisy traffic passes up and down
Where Mother Nature lives there's peace and beauty close to the river not that far from town.

I long for a place in Mother Nature's garden where there are trees with stream or creek nearby
Where all day long the wild birds chirp and whistle the voice of Nature is a thing of joy,
Here in a place that smells of rank pollution I long for a place where the air is clean
And where Nature wears her cloak of many colours her many hues that bloom amongst her green.

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