I'M Sorry Poem by brooklyn duncan

I'M Sorry

We were so close
Then everything went wrong
I can't beleive this happened
I went to visit an old friend
You went into a panic attack
I had a great time
You yelled when I got back
Why, I asked you
You said you didn't like my friend
You said you didn't want him to steal me
You said you'd bash his head
I told you it was no big deal
I told you that you didn't have to worry
You didn't beleive me
I can't beleive you don't trust me, I said
You said I don't care what you think
You said I don't want that guy messing with you
You said you never know what this uy could do
I said I have known him my whole life
I said what's he gonna do, he has a wife
You said that doesn't mean anything
You said he could still come on to you
I told you that you were going crazy
I told you that you should leave for a while
You freaked out and yelled some more
I told you to calm down
You said not until that guy is out of your life
I said I can't beleive your acting this way
I said what's gotten into you
You said I've been watching the news
I said ya, so
You said there are a lot of stories about rapists
I said you seriously think he's like that
You said ya, I do
I said well you're blind as a bat
You said how's that
I said because you didn't see this coming
You were confused and lost
I reached into my purse, I'm sorry I said
I wanted to stop
But I couldn't control myself
Everything went black
I realized what I had done
You were on the floor
I wished I could rewind so it had never had been done
Everything went black
Then nothing.............

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